
BRICS Summits

2019 Brasilia Summit: Documents

BRICS summits Index

2019 Brasilia Summit: November 14, Brazil

The 2019 Brasília Summit, which convened on November 14 in Brazil, was the 11th annual meeting of the BRICS nations, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The gathering of the leaders of these five major emerging economies took place in a traditional, in-person format, highlighting the importance of face-to-face diplomacy and cooperation. The summit’s sessions and events were primarily hosted in Brazil’s capital city, Brasília, a modernist city renowned for its unique architectural design by Oscar Niemeyer.

The theme for the 2019 summit was “Economic Growth for an Innovative Future,” signifying the BRICS nations’ collective pursuit of innovation-driven development. This theme was particularly pertinent considering the growing influence of advanced technologies and digital transformation unfolding across the global economy.

Under the Presidency of Jair Bolsonaro, who had assumed office as the President of Brazil earlier that year, the summit saw the participation of key leaders such as President Vladimir Putin of Russia, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, President Xi Jinping of China, and President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa. This high-level participation underscored the significance that each member nation placed on this strategic multilateral relationship.

The agenda of the 2019 Brasília Summit addressed a range of subjects critical to the BRICS nations and the larger global context. These included strategies to strengthen cooperation in areas of science, technology, and innovation, areas that are fundamental to propelling future economic growth and development. The platform also provided an opportunity to discuss the enhancement of cooperation in the digital economy and issues related to cybersecurity.

Additionally, the summit featured discussions on ways to boost trade and investment ties among the BRICS countries, including the promotion of the New Development Bank (NDB), which aims to mobilize resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects both in the BRICS countries and other emerging economies and developing countries.

Within the realm of international affairs, the leaders deliberated on pressing global challenges, such as peace and security, sustainable development, and climate change. The fight against terrorism and the reinforcement of multilateralism – with a focus on improving the representation of emerging economies in global governance structures – were also key points of consensus among the BRICS countries.

The “Brasília Declaration,” the outcome document of the summit, summarized the collective aspirations and commitments of the BRICS nations, including calls for reformed multilateralism, support for fair international trade, and multilateral efforts to combat climate change in accordance with the Paris Agreement.

Concluding the summit, the declaration reflected a unified stance on various challenges and a blueprint for closer economic integration, cooperation in technological innovation, and a collective voice on the international stage – reinforcing the BRICS partnership’s growing role and influence in world affairs.

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