
BRICS Officials Meetings

BRCIS Security/National Security meeting: Info

  • 2023: July 24 to 25, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 2022: June 15, Beijing, China
  • 2015: May 26, Moscow, Russia
  • 2010: October, Sochi, Russia
  • 2010: April 15
  • 2009: May, Russia

Relative Data

BRICS Officials meetings Index

Meetings of BRICS National Security Advisers and High Representatives on National Security

The Meetings of the BRICS High Representatives on Security/National Security Advisors constitute a fundamental component of the collaborative framework established by the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. These sessions are pivotal in facilitating discourse and concerted action on matters pertaining to both national and international security landscapes. They serve as an essential forum for addressing critical issues such as counter-terrorism, cyber security, regional peace and stability, and intergovernmental economic collaboration.

On July 25, 2023, the 13th iteration of these meetings was convened, an event confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China. The assembly featured the participation of Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who engaged in deliberations on a range of security topics with counterparts from the BRICS member states. To acquire further information on the proceedings of this 13th meeting, please refer to the link: Wang Yi Attends the 13th Meeting of BRICS National Security Advisers.

Historically, the agenda for the National Security Advisors’ meeting in 2021 indicates that discussions typically encompass themes such as Counter Terrorism, Cyber Security, and the promotion of peace and stability from a security perspective. Additional information regarding the agenda and goals of these meetings is accessible via the following resource: National Security Advisors’ Meeting – BRICS INDIA 2021.

Moreover, these assemblies are acknowledged for their capacity to exert a substantial influence on both regional and international security dynamics, as well as on fostering economic cooperation within the BRICS constellation. An article from Africa News elaborates on these points, citing the deliberations that transpired during the meetings: S.A: BRICS national security advisors discuss matters of global security and economic cooperation.

The 12th meeting, presided over by Yang Jiechi on June 16, 2022, also brought to the forefront the strategic significance of the BRICS nations within the global context, emphasizing their contribution to the ascendancy of emerging markets and developing economies. Further details are available on the Chinese ministry’s website: Yang Jiechi Chairs the 12th Meeting of BRICS National Security Advisers.

For those seeking to comprehend the outcomes and declarations emanating from such gatherings, the Johannesburg II Declaration from the 2023 summit offers insights into the collective stance of the BRICS countries on a variety of issues, including proposed reforms to the United Nations. The text of the declaration can be accessed here: XV BRICS Summit Johannesburg II Declaration.

It is imperative to acknowledge the role of the BRICS National Security Advisers and High Representatives on National Security Meetings as a critical mechanism through which the member countries engage in constructive dialogues on salient issues that bear upon global stability and security. An informative article providing an overview of these meetings is available here: BRICS meeting kicks off, making preparations for leaders’ summit.

The regularity of these meetings underscores the deepening strategic and security cooperation among the BRICS nations as they collectively navigate the intricacies of the global geopolitical environment.


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