
National Geospatial Policy: Boosting Development in India

National Geospatial Policy: Boosting Inclusive Development in India

Empowering Local Companies through Geospatial Data

The Indian government’s commitment to inclusive development is evident in the implementation of the National Geospatial Policy (NGP) 2022. This groundbreaking policy has significantly increased the accessibility and utilization of spatial data, resulting in rapid improvements in citizen services and extending their reach to even the remotest corners of the country.

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) has successfully implemented the NGP by consolidating the governance framework and liberalizing access to geospatial data. This move has empowered local companies to generate and use their own geospatial data, enhancing their global competitiveness and aligning with the vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat. Consequently, geospatial data has become more accessible, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the sector.

Transforming Citizen Services with Geospatial Technologies

At the UN World Geospatial International Congress, PM Modi highlighted geospatial technologies’ role in promoting inclusivity and development. Notably, the National Geospatial Policy liberalized access to spatial data, transforming its public utilization. Professor Abhay Karandikar, DST Secretary, echoed this sentiment. He emphasized the NGP’s positive impact on delivering citizen services. Furthermore, the policy is a significant step towards leveraging spatial data for public benefit.Through his address, PM Modi underscored the importance of geospatial technologies. Consequently, the National Geospatial Policy facilitates inclusive progress by enabling widespread spatial data access.

Furthermore, the NGP has enabled the development of innovative applications and solutions, which have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of public services. For instance, geospatial technologies have been used to enhance disaster management, urban planning, and infrastructure development. As a result, citizens have benefited from more efficient and targeted services, leading to improved overall well-being.

Simplifying Access to Geospatial Data

Under PM Modi’s leadership, India streamlined its governance framework. The country eliminated prior approvals, security clearances, and licenses for geospatial data and maps. Consequently, the previous clearance system transitioned to self-certification. This reform simplified access to spatial data within India. As a result, it reduced bureaucratic obstacles, enabling faster geospatial application development. Moreover, the National Geospatial Policy facilitated efficient utilization of spatial data. The visionary move eliminated restrictions on geospatial data and maps. Ultimately, it paved the way for more efficient geospatial application development within India.

Enhancing Data Infrastructure and Availability

The Survey of India (SoI) launched a pan-India Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Network. This initiative aims to enhance data infrastructure and improve superior location data availability and accessibility across organizations and sectors. National Geospatial Policy Boosting Inclusive Development in IndiaMoreover, SoI surveyed and mapped over 2.8 lakh villages through Drone Flying under the SVAMITVA Scheme. Specifically, this covered the states of Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, and Karnataka. Consequently, the National Geospatial Policy facilitated the utilization of spatial data for such mapping efforts. Through the CORS Network and SVAMITVA Scheme, SoI is improving data infrastructure and location data accessibility. Ultimately, these initiatives leverage the National Geospatial Policy to enhance spatial data availability and accessibility across India.

Fostering Enterprise Development and Innovation

The NGP encourages the adoption of open standards, open data, and platforms, promoting enterprise development and fostering a thriving geospatial industry in India with active participation from private enterprises. Individuals, companies, and government agencies can now process acquired geospatial data, create applications, and develop solutions using it. They can also utilize such data products, applications, and solutions, leading to the growth of innovative startups and entrepreneurs in the sector.

In conclusion, the National Geospatial Policy has been instrumental in promoting inclusive development in India by increasing accessibility to spatial data and enhancing citizen services. As the country continues to harness the power of geospatial technologies, we can expect to see significant improvements in the delivery of public services and the growth of the geospatial industry.

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