
Lula’s Brazilian State Tour: 6-Month Plan for 26 States

Lula's Brazilian State Tour A 6-Month Plan for 26 States

Lula’s Brazilian State Tour Begins

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has announced an ambitious plan to tour all 26 Brazilian states, as well as the Federal District, in the first six months of this year.


Regional Development Takes Center Stage

Lula has called on his ministers to intensify their work in the states, not only in the capitals but also in the hinterland. This focus on regional development is crucial for the country’s growth, and the president’s tour aims to highlight its importance. By visiting all 27 regions, Lula’s Brazilian state tour will emphasize the need for inclusive growth and development.


A Busy First Half Ahead

“There will be a schedule. The aim is for the president to visit all 27 regions in the first half of next year. In the second half of the year, he will focus on other tasks,” Citizens’ Affairs Minister Rui Costa explained. This busy schedule will see the president travel extensively across the country, engaging with local communities and promoting regional development.


Diplomatic Efforts Intensify

In addition to his domestic Lula’s Brazilian State Tour, Lula dedicated efforts abroad. He made 15 international trips across four continents. Visiting 24 countries, he spent 62 days overseas.

Moreover, Brazil will host numerous MERCOSUR events this year. It will organize over 100 working group meetings. Both virtual and in-person formats are planned. Additionally, around 20 ministerial meetings will take place.

Lula juggles domestic and international engagements skillfully. His Brazilian State Tour complements diplomatic travels extensively. Ultimately, he balances responsibilities at home and abroad.


MERCOSUR and Beyond: Strengthening Regional Ties

The highlight of these diplomatic efforts will be a summit of heads of government and states in Rio de Janeiro on 18-19 November 2024. Furthermore, Brazil has handed over the interim presidency of MERCOSUR to Paraguay on 7 December, solidifying its commitment to regional cooperation. As Lula’s Brazilian state tour gains momentum, Brazil is poised to strengthen its diplomatic ties and cement its position as a leader in regional and international affairs.

Moreover, through this domestic outreach, Lula aims to bolster Brazil’s influence within the MERCOSUR trade bloc. Consequently, this will further solidify the country’s role as a key player on the global stage. Additionally, by actively engaging with domestic constituencies, Lula seeks to build a strong foundation for his international agenda. Ultimately, the Brazilian state tour serves as a catalyst for enhancing Brazil’s regional and global leadership.


A Strong Foundation for the Future

In conclusion, Lula’s Brazilian state tour is an unprecedented effort to engage with local communities and promote regional development. With a focus on diplomatic work and regional cooperation, Brazil is building a strong foundation for future growth and prosperity. As the president embarks on this ambitious journey, the country is set to reap the benefits of its strategic planning and international engagement.

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