
International Municipal BRICS Forum for Urban Development

International Municipal BRICS Forum Moscow Sets the Stage for Urban Development

International Municipal BRICS Forum: Moscow Sets the Stage for Urban Development

The International Municipal BRICS Forum is set to take place in Moscow on August 27-28, where the Russian capital will showcase its best practices in municipal infrastructure development, sustainable urban development, and more. Sergey Cheremin, Head of the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow, announced that the forum will bring together over 200 cities from the CIS, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia to share knowledge and expertise.


A Global Platform for Urban Development Excellence

The International Municipal BRICS Forum established a reliable platform. It shares best practices, builds diplomatic ties, and fosters mutually beneficial cooperation. Consequently, cities worldwide can learn from Moscow’s success stories. They can implement similar strategies to improve urban development. Additionally, the forum provides networking opportunities with global leaders. Cities exchange ideas on creating sustainable, resilient, thriving urban environments.


Municipal Infrastructure Development: A Key Focus

The forum’s business program will feature panel discussions, round tables, presentations by experts, and meetings with partners. Additionally, the official invited all of Moscow’s over 100 partners to participate in this global exchange. Furthermore, Cheremin highlighted that the International Municipal BRICS Forum will delve into Moscow’s experiences. Specifically, it will cover infrastructure development, digital technologies, and air quality improvement. Furthermore, the forum will address issues of municipal infrastructure, social sphere, principles of sustainable urban development, tourism, sports, resource management, education, culture, and healthcare.


Moscow’s Success Stories

In 2022, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme ranked Moscow first in the world in terms of the quality of infrastructure and fifth in terms of the provision of public services. Moreover, this year, the city became the leader among the largest BRICS megacities in terms of innovative development space. Moreover, Moscow has made significant strides in introducing digital technologies and improving air quality, making it an ideal model for other cities to follow.


Join the Conversation: International Municipal BRICS Forum

The conference offers a unique opportunity. Cities come together and exchange urban environment ideas – sustainable, resilient, thriving. By participating, cities tap into Moscow’s expertise. They learn from its success stories. Moreover, cities share their own experiences, best practices. Ultimately, membership aims to promote cooperation, understanding, urban development progress – benefiting all.

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