
High-yielding Coffee Varieties in Oromia’s West Guji Zone

Farmers Expand High-yielding Coffee Varieties in Oromia's West Guji Zone

Expanding High-yielding Coffee Varieties in Oromia’s West Guji Zone

Boosting Coffee Production with New Varieties

Farmers in West Guji Zone, Oromia region, are shifting gears to cultivate high-yielding coffee varieties, according to zone Administrator Adula Hirbaye. This move is expected to significantly boost coffee production in the region. In fact, West Guji Zone contributes a substantial 28 percent of coffee supplies at the national level.


The Search for Higher Yields

A delegation from Oromia region visited coffee cultivation in Abaya Woreda. They also saw maize developed in a cluster there. After the visit, Administrator Adula Hirbaye emphasized coffee’s importance. Coffee is the major cash crop of West Guji Zone. In fact, farmers cultivate it in six out of nine woredas.Furthermore, Hirbaye noted farmers are replacing traditional coffee plants. They are opting for high-yielding coffee varieties instead. This shift follows rigorous training provided to farmers. Notably, these new varieties mature for harvest within one year and eight months. Moreover, they have the capacity to yield 12 quintals per hectare. This represents a significant increase compared to older varieties.


The Impact of High-yielding Coffee Varieties

The high-yielding coffee varieties have had a profound impact on farmers’ livelihoods. Currently, farmers and semi-pastoralists in almost all districts are fully engaged in producing various crops and vegetables, significantly improving their livelihoods. Furthermore, the high-yielding coffee varieties have increased productivity, allowing farmers to focus on other activities.


Oromia’s Coffee Production Initiative

The Oromia Agriculture Bureau reported a major initiative. It prepared 2.6 billion coffee nurseries for this year alone. Moreover, it readied 350,000 hectares of land for coffee plantations. The region set a target of obtaining 12 million quintals of coffee.Consequently, Oromia exerts maximum effort to transform farmers into investors. This effort ensures a bright future for coffee production. Specifically, it focuses on high-yielding coffee from the West Guji Zone. Ultimately, the region aims to boost coffee production and farmer incomes.


Transforming Farmers into Investors

In addition to providing training and resources, the Oromia region is providing support to farmers to become investors. This means that farmers will have more control over their coffee production, from planting to harvesting and selling. This approach is expected to increase farmers’ income and improve their overall livelihoods.

The expansion of high-yielding coffee varieties in West Guji Zone, Oromia region, is a significant step towards increasing coffee production and improving the livelihoods of farmers. As the region continues to invest in coffee production, it’s clear that the future of coffee is bright in Oromia. The high-yielding coffee varieties and Oromia’s coffee production initiative position the region to become a major player in the coffee industry.

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