

Artificial Intelligence Ethics Takes Center Stage in Russia's BRICS Chairmanship
January 19, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Ethics Takes Center Stage in Russia’s BRICS Chairmanship Russia’s Commitment...

Nationalisation of Biofuel Production in Brazil Boosting Agribusiness Investment
January 14, 2024

Nationalisation of Biofuel Production in Brazil: Boosting Agribusiness Investment Brazil takes a...

National Geospatial Policy Boosting Inclusive Development in India
January 13, 2024

National Geospatial Policy: Boosting Inclusive Development in India Empowering Local Companies through...

Smart India Hackathon PM Modi Eyes Global AI Rules
December 22, 2023

Smart India Hackathon: PM Modi Eyes Global AI Rules On Tuesday, Prime...

Nepal-China Power Line Joint Mechanism to Boost Energy Cooperation
December 3, 2023

Nepal-China Power Line: Joint Mechanism to Boost Energy Cooperation The signing of...

Russia-Iran Science Cooperation Pharmaceuticals and Nanotechnology Take Lead
November 30, 2023

Russia-Iran Science Cooperation Unlocking the Potential of Pharmaceuticals and Nanotechnology The Russia-Iran...

Unlocking the Future of Trade Shanghai's Silk Road E-commerce Pilot Zone
November 24, 2023

Shanghai’s Silk Road E-commerce Pilot Zone Pioneering a New Era of Digital...

Russia to Build Lunar Base by 2050 Ambitious Space Exploration Plans
November 17, 2023

Russia’s Ambitious Plan to Build a Lunar Base by 2050 Prioritizing Space...

Indian Space Exploration Modi Sets Ambitious Goals for 2035 and Beyond
October 30, 2023

Indian Space Exploration: Modi Sets Ambitious Goals for 2035 and Beyond Indian...

Autonomous Haulage Pioneer Tage Idriver Leads the Way in Open-Pit Mining
October 10, 2023

The Autonomous Haulage Revolution: Tage Idriver Leads the Way Pioneering Autonomous Haulage...

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