
BRICS Summits

2018 Johannesburg Summit: Documents

BRICS summits Index

2018 Johannesburg Summit: July 25-27, South Africa

The 2018 Johannesburg Summit was the 10th annual BRICS Summit, taking place from July 25 to 27 in Johannesburg, South Africa. It marked a significant milestone, being the second time South Africa hosted a BRICS Summit, the first being in 2013 in Durban. As one of the major gatherings of emerging national economies, the summit in Johannesburg symbolized the growing importance of the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – on the global stage.

The main theme for the 2018 Summit was “BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution.” This forward-looking focus was chosen to reflect not only the multifaceted nature of cooperation among the BRICS nations but also their collective drive to harness the potential of the 4th Industrial Revolution in a way that would ensure inclusive and equitable growth.

Held at the Sandton Convention Centre, a leading venue in Africa’s financial capital, the Johannesburg Summit brought together the respective heads of state and government: President Michel Temer of Brazil, President Vladimir Putin of Russia, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, President Xi Jinping of China, and President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa.

The discussions spanned several key areas, including strengthening political and security cooperation, economic ties, cultural and people-to-people relations. With a shared goal of not only advancing their national interests but also contributing to the development of the African continent and the Global South, the leaders emphasized collaborative efforts that aligned with both African priorities and BRICS strategic goals.

Key issues on the agenda were the promotion of sustainable development, infrastructure, the fight against terrorism, reforming the global governance system to grant emerging economies a greater voice, and facilitating trade among the BRICS members as well as with other emerging economies. Moreover, the leaders explored innovative approaches to harnessing technological advancements for the betterment of their populations.

In addition to the main plenary sessions, the Johannesburg Summit featured a BRICS Business Forum and a BRICS Outreach Dialogue, which engaged non-BRICS countries, especially those from the African continent, to foster wider dialogue and partnership.

The summit concluded with the adoption of the “Johannesburg Declaration,” which outlined the agreed commitments in diverse fields, ranging from economic cooperation to environmental protection, as well as articulating the bloc’s position on current issues in international relations. The declaration aimed to project a united approach to the pursuit of fairer global economic governance and to challenge the status quo that often sidelined emerging and developing economies.

The 2018 BRICS Johannesburg Summit not only reinforced the intention of the member countries to deepen their partnership but also highlighted the strategic pivot towards inclusive development and multilateral engagement in a rapidly changing global economy driven by technological innovation.

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