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UAE national statistics.

Economic data

Economic Indicators Glossary

Our comprehensive glossary is designed to help you understand what each economic indicator means, how it’s calculated, and what it reveals about the economy. With our glossary, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the economic landscape and be able to make more informed decisions.

See the glossary


Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
GDP Annual Growth Rate 3.7 3.7 12.8 -9.1 percent Jun/23
Unemployment Rate 2.95 2.97 4.29 1.15 percent Dec/23
Inflation Rate 3.36 3.6 12.3 -2.71 percent Feb/24
Interest Rate 5.4 5.4 5.4 0.15 percent Mar/24
Current Account to GDP 11.7 11.6 25 0.1 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Debt to GDP 38.3 36.9 38.3 2.7 percent of GDP Dec/21
Government Budget 12.5 4.5 13.5 -17.7 percent of GDP Dec/22
Manufacturing PMI 56.9 57.1 61.2 44.1 points Mar/24
Corporate Tax Rate 9 0 9 0 percent Dec/23
Personal Income Tax Rate 0 0 0 0 percent Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
GDP Annual Growth Rate 3.7 3.7 12.8 -9.1 percent Jun/23
GDP 507 415 507 2.85 USD Billion Dec/22
GDP Constant Prices 1623517 1505341 1623517 652734 AED Million Dec/22
GDP per Capita 45698 42715 118142 34541 USD Dec/22
GDP per Capita PPP 74918 70028 109695 56627 USD Dec/22
Full Year GDP Growth 7.9 3.9 9.8 -5.2 percent Dec/22
GDP Growth Non Oil Sector 7.3 4.5 10.1 -9.2 percent Jun/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Unemployment Rate 2.95 2.97 4.29 1.15 percent Dec/23
Population 9.44 9.37 9.44 0.09 Million Dec/22
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Inflation Rate 3.36 3.6 12.3 -2.71 percent Feb/24
Consumer Price Index (CPI) 108 107 112 89.17 points Dec/23
Food Inflation 3.08 3.7 8.66 -3.52 percent Feb/24
CPI Housing Utilities 104 103 115 96.24 points Dec/23
CPI Transportation 118 118 134 85.03 points Dec/23
Inflation Rate MoM 0.44 0.12 2.97 -6.01 percent Jun/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Interest Rate 5.4 5.4 5.4 0.15 percent Mar/24
Interbank Rate 5.1 5.2 6.96 0.25 percent Apr/24
Money Supply M0 135231 135780 136478 26832 AED Million Jan/24
Money Supply M1 830022 829264 830022 39464 AED Million Jan/24
Money Supply M2 2028276 2023406 2028276 156480 AED Million Jan/24
Money Supply M3 2477962 2445166 2477962 506641 AED Million Jan/24
Banks Balance Sheet 3968 3935 3968 1456 AED Billion Jan/24
Central Bank Balance Sheet 735 721 735 48.74 AED Billion Jan/24
Foreign Exchange Reserves 694 673 694 139 AED Billion Jan/24
Loan Growth 6.5 5.88 10.2 -2.43 percent Jan/24
Loans to Private Sector 1247193 1240643 1257526 446065 AED Million Jan/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Current Account to GDP 11.7 11.6 25 0.1 percent of GDP Dec/22
Imports 1216000 897100 1216000 128570 AED Million Dec/22
Gold Reserves 73.63 73.63 74.98 0 Tonnes Dec/23
Crude Oil Production 2914 2925 4033 990 BBL/D/1K Feb/24
Non Oil Exports 368366 331629 368366 1432 AED Million Dec/22
Terrorism Index 0.23 1.24 2.45 0 Points Dec/23
Weapons Sales 12 57 191 1 SIPRI TIV Million Dec/22
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Government Debt to GDP 38.3 36.9 38.3 2.7 percent of GDP Dec/21
Government Budget 12.5 4.5 13.5 -17.7 percent of GDP Dec/22
Corruption Index 68 67 71 52 Points Dec/23
Corruption Rank 26 27 37 21 Dec/23
Credit Rating 90 Apr/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Corporate Tax Rate 9 0 9 0 percent Dec/23
Personal Income Tax Rate 0 0 0 0 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate For Companies 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate For Employees 5 5 5 5 percent Dec/23
Sales Tax Rate 5 5 5 5 percent Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Manufacturing PMI 56.9 57.1 61.2 44.1 points Mar/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Private Sector Credit 426925 415649 426925 320700 AED Million Dec/23
Consumer Credit 415649 402640 415649 14572 AED Million Sep/23
Gasoline Prices 0.8 0.75 1.23 0.37 USD/Liter Mar/24
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