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History of BRICS

The Genesis
of the BRICS Coalition.

The History of BRICS, is a journey of economic cooperation and Global Influence.The BRICS grouping, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has emerged as a significant economic and political force on the global stage. The history of BRICS is a story of cooperation, mutual understanding, and collective growth among these five nations, which together represent over 40% of the world’s population and 25% of global GDP.

The role and agenda of BRICS in international Affairs.

The formation

Historically, the coalition of BRICS nations has been united in its efforts to amplify the influence of emerging economies within the realm of global governance, as evidenced by the collective declarations at their summits.

In response to the global financial crisis of the late 2000s, the BRICS’ 2009 joint statement underscored the critical nature of synchronizing financial policies, particularly through the G20’s framework. Moreover, the statement articulated explicit demands for the overhaul of international financial institutions to ensure enhanced representation and influence for burgeoning economies. This included calls for a more equitable and transparent mechanism for appointing leadership positions. Furthermore, the BRICS challenged the entrenched norms that have historically seen the World Bank led by an American, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by a European, and the dominance of Western developed nations in terms of voting power and quota allocations.

The joint declaration from the third summit in 2011 highlighted the recognition by China and Russia of the significance of India, Brazil, and South Africa in the global arena and acknowledged their ambitions to assume a more influential role within the United Nations. However, there has been little evidence to suggest that China or Russia have taken concrete steps to support their fellow BRICS members in achieving permanent seats on the UN Security Council. By the time of the fourth summit in New Delhi in 2012, the BRICS coalition had crafted a narrative emphasizing their representation of 43 percent of the global population, thereby underscoring their call for increased representation within international institutions.

Over the years, the BRICS have progressively broadened their diplomatic engagements, encompassing a range of policy discussions and initiatives aimed at bolstering both official and civil society interactions, typically focusing on areas of mutual agreement. Originating with high-level summit meetings and separate consultations among foreign ministers, the BRICS’ calendar now features a diverse array of gatherings throughout the year, including sessions for finance ministers and central bank governors, national security advisors, ministers of science and technology, agriculture, environment, and disaster management, as well as health, labor, and culture ministers. Additionally, the BRICS framework has been extended to include a Business Council, Think Tanks Council, Parliamentary Forum, Culture Festival, and the Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum.

Reflective of this extensive range of activities, the length of the BRICS’ joint statements has increased substantially; the previous year’s statement extended over twenty-seven pages, while the 2015 statement reached an extensive forty-three pages.

A Global Power Shift

The inclusion of these new members into BRICS illustrates a deliberate move towards alternative global governance structures and signals a potential counterbalance to the traditional West-dominated global institutions, such as the IMF and the World Bank. The accession of these countries, each bringing its unique economic and political clout, is poised to alter the dynamics of international relations fundamentally.

Economic Implications

With the coalition now encompassing ten countries, BRICS’s combined economy assumes more significant weight in global commerce and finance.

  1. Enhanced Trade Ties: The expansion fosters new trade corridors among member countries, reducing reliance on North American and European markets.
  2. Diversified Investment: The expanded BRICS invites potential for increased intra-bloc investments and joint projects, especially in infrastructure, technology, and energy sectors.
  3. Currency Alternatives: The coalition may expedite the creation of alternate payment mechanisms that bypass traditional currencies, reducing dependency on the U.S. dollar and other major currencies.

Geopolitical Influence

The enlarged BRICS bloc has the potential to act more decisively on the international stage.

  1. Political Clout: A unified stancer from a cross-continental bloc comprising significant economies promises an augmented influence in global affairs.
  2. Alternative Institutions: BRICS may intensify efforts to develop its institutions, such as the New Development Bank (NDB), to challenge existing power structures.
  3. Socio-Cultural Exchange: The diversity of member countries paves the way for rich cultural exchanges and soft power enhancements.

The possibilities awakened by this BRICS expansion are vast. It creates an opening for collaborative solutions to global challenges like climate change, poverty, and conflict resolution, all while contributing to a more balanced global economy and multipolar world order. The BRICS coalition’s ambitious enlargement displays a vision for a restructured global power matrix. With a fresh lineup of countries, the world watches with keen interest as this bloc pursues its objective of fostering a more equitable and sustainable global order, thereby redefining both political and economic alliances for the decades to come.

Early Beginnings (2001-2006)

The concept of BRICS was first coined by economist Jim O’Neill in a 2001 research paper titled “Building Better Global Economic BRICs.”(Global Economics Paper No: 66). O’Neill, then the chief economist at Goldman Sachs, identified Brazil, Russia, India, and China as the four emerging economies that would drive global growth in the 21st century.

At that time, the economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China experienced significant growth, raising concerns regarding their impact on the global economy. Foreign ministers of these countries began meeting informally in 2006, which led to more formal annual summits. In 2006, the foreign ministers of Brazil, Russia, India, and China met for the first time on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. This informal meeting marked the beginning of a new era of cooperation among these nations.

The transformation of the “BRIC” concept into a tangible entity commenced with the trilateral meeting of the leaders from China, India, and Russia—namely Hu Jintao, Manmohan Singh, and Vladimir Putin—held in conjunction with the 2008 Group of 8 (G8) summit in St. Petersburg. At that time, Russia was an active member of the G8 until its 2014 suspension following its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. Both India and China were present at the summit as part of the G8’s initiative to engage with burgeoning economic powers.

First Summit and Expansion (2008-2010)

The first BRIC Summit took place in Yekaterinburg, Russia, on June 16, 2009. The meeting was attended by the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, who signed the Yekaterinburg Declaration, outlining their commitment to cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, and global governance.

In 2010, South Africa joined the grouping, and the acronym was updated to BRICS. The inclusion of South Africa expanded the grouping’s geographic reach and added a new dimension to the partnership.

Deepening Cooperation (2011-2014)

The second BRICS Summit, held in Brasília, Brazil, in 2010, saw the signing of the Brasília Declaration, which emphasized the need for reform of international financial institutions and the promotion of sustainable development.

The third BRICS Summit, held in Sanya, China, in 2011, focused on strengthening economic cooperation and promoting trade among member states. The Sanya Declaration emphasized the importance of cooperation in areas such as infrastructure development, science and technology, and innovation.

New Development Bank and Contingent Reserve Arrangement (2014-2015)

The sixth BRICS Summit, held in Fortaleza, Brazil, in 2014, marked a significant milestone in the history of BRICS. The leaders signed the Agreement on the New Development Bank (NDB), which aimed to mobilize resources for infrastructure development and sustainable projects in member countries.

The Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA), a $100 billion fund, was also established to provide liquidity support to member countries in times of financial stress.

Expansion of Cooperation and Global Influence (2015)

The seventh BRICS Summit, held in Ufa, Russia, in 2015, saw the launch of the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy, which outlined a roadmap for cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, and innovation.

In recent years, BRICS has expanded its cooperation to include new areas such as counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, and people-to-people exchanges. The grouping has also played a significant role in shaping global governance, including the reform of international financial institutions and the promotion of sustainable development.

Expansion of Cooperation and Global Influence (2015-2024)

The seventh BRICS Summit, held in Ufa, Russia, in 2015, saw the launch of the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy, which outlined a roadmap for cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, and innovation.

In recent years, BRICS has expanded its cooperation to include new areas such as counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, and people-to-people exchanges. The grouping has also played a significant role in shaping global governance, including the reform of international financial institutions and the promotion of sustainable development.


This influential group, already a major player on the global economic scene, is poised to expand in 2024. The BRICS consortium is poised to expand its membership by welcoming five additional nations into its fold: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates. 

The history of BRICS is a testament to the power of cooperation and collective action among emerging economies. From humble beginnings to a significant force on the global stage, BRICS has come a long way in promoting economic growth, social development, and global governance. As the grouping continues to evolve and expand its cooperation, it is likely to play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of the global economy and international relations.

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