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South Africa national statistics.

Economic data

Economic Indicators Glossary

Our comprehensive glossary is designed to help you understand what each economic indicator means, how it’s calculated, and what it reveals about the economy. With our glossary, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the economic landscape and be able to make more informed decisions.

See the glossary


Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
GDP Growth Rate 0.1 -0.2 13.7 -17 percent Dec/23
GDP Annual Growth Rate 1.2 -0.7 19.2 -16.2 percent Dec/23
Unemployment Rate 32.1 31.9 35.3 21.5 percent Dec/23
Inflation Rate 5.3 5.6 20.7 0.2 percent Mar/24
Inflation Rate MoM 0.8 1 6.7 -0.7 percent Mar/24
Interest Rate 8.25 8.25 23.99 3.5 percent Mar/24
Balance of Trade 14043 -9688 52741 -36127 ZAR Million Feb/24
Current Account -165528 -34400 295264 -241123 ZAR Million Dec/23
Current Account to GDP -1.6 -0.5 6 -7.5 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Debt to GDP 72.2 72.8 72.8 27.8 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -4.9 -4.2 1 -10 percent of GDP Dec/23
Business Confidence 30 31 92 5 points Mar/24
Manufacturing PMI 49.2 51.7 59.99 30.88 points Mar/24
Consumer Confidence -15 -17 26 -36 points Mar/24
Retail Sales MoM 0.4 -3.2 74.5 -50.8 percent Feb/24
Corporate Tax Rate 27 28 37.8 27 percent Dec/23
Personal Income Tax Rate 45 45 45 40 percent Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
GDP Growth Rate 0.1 -0.2 13.7 -17 percent Dec/23
GDP Annual Growth Rate 1.2 -0.7 19.2 -16.2 percent Dec/23
GDP 405 420 458 8.75 USD Billion Dec/22
GDP Constant Prices 4631218 4626743 4631218 718057 ZAR Million Dec/23
Gross National Product 4636223 4669615 4737603 504385 ZAR Million Dec/23
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 689202 690446 815426 73065 ZAR Million Dec/23
GDP per Capita 6022 5959 6263 3974 USD Dec/22
GDP per Capita PPP 13479 13338 14017 9556 USD Dec/22
Full Year GDP Growth 0.6 1.9 7.94 -6 percent Dec/23
GDP from Agriculture 102904 113943 151353 43537 ZAR Million Dec/23
GDP from Construction 106530 108024 157769 14702 ZAR Million Dec/23
GDP from Manufacturing 527645 526641 572539 334105 ZAR Million Dec/23
GDP from Mining 204870 200134 240358 145919 ZAR Million Dec/23
GDP from Public Administration 372524 374637 375670 90907 ZAR Million Dec/23
GDP from Services 1118008 1111284 1118008 66256 ZAR Million Dec/23
GDP from Transport 388247 377314 390348 122083 ZAR Million Dec/23
GDP from Utilities 98554 96362 125002 82820 ZAR Million Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Unemployment Rate 32.1 31.9 35.3 21.5 percent Dec/23
Employed Persons 16723 16745 16745 11666 Dec/23
Unemployed Persons 7895 7849 8000 3984 Thousand Dec/23
Labor Force Participation Rate 60 60.2 60.8 47.3 percent Dec/23
Labour Costs 135 134 135 0.7 points Sep/23
Wages 26894 26471 26894 6742 ZAR/Month Dec/23
Wages in Manufacturing 23649 23199 23649 6250 ZAR/Month Dec/23
Population 62.03 60.6 62.03 17.12 Million Dec/22
Retirement Age Women 60 60 60 60 Years Dec/24
Retirement Age Men 60 60 65 60 Years Dec/24
Employment Rate 40.77 40.95 46.17 35.93 percent Dec/23
Minimum Wages 27.58 25.42 27.58 20 ZAR/Hour Mar/24
Youth Unemployment Rate 59.4 58 66.5 48.8 percent Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Inflation Rate 5.3 5.6 20.7 0.2 percent Mar/24
Inflation Rate MoM 0.8 1 6.7 -0.7 percent Mar/24
Consumer Price Index (CPI) 115 114 115 1.2 points Mar/24
Core Consumer Prices 112 111 112 52.5 points Mar/24
Core Inflation Rate 4.9 5 8.4 2.5 percent Mar/24
Producer Prices 101 100 131 63.8 points Feb/24
Producer Prices Change 4.5 4.7 18 0.3 percent Feb/24
Export Prices 175 174 180 0.4 points Dec/23
Import Prices 165 163 165 0.9 points Dec/23
Food Inflation 5.1 6.1 15.6 0.6 percent Mar/24
Core Inflation Rate MoM 0.7 1.2 1.4 -0.2 percent Mar/24
Producer Price Inflation MoM 0.5 0.1 2.5 -1.2 percent Feb/24
CPI Housing Utilities 111 110 111 46.1 points Mar/24
CPI Transportation 119 117 120 52.5 points Mar/24
Inflation Expectations 5.33 5.69 8.72 3.9 percent Mar/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Interest Rate 8.25 8.25 23.99 3.5 percent Mar/24
Interbank Rate 8.36 8.37 16.96 3.33 percent Apr/24
Money Supply M0 376845 397321 409000 415 ZAR Million Feb/24
Money Supply M1 2617877 2622403 2622403 1482 ZAR Million Feb/24
Money Supply M2 4202478 4196727 4216823 2887 ZAR Million Feb/24
Money Supply M3 5152798 5112492 5152798 4796 ZAR Million Feb/24
Banks Balance Sheet 7630093 7600600 7630093 114781 ZAR Million Feb/24
Foreign Exchange Reserves 62323 61653 62518 5316 USD Million Mar/24
Loans to Private Sector 4634091 4604046 4634091 4051 ZAR Million Feb/24
Deposit Interest Rate 7.08 6.96 21.6 3.74 percent Dec/23
Central Bank Balance Sheet 1238948 1241048 1269315 543 ZAR Million Mar/24
Lending Rate 11.75 11.75 25.5 5 percent Mar/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Balance of Trade 14043 -9688 52741 -36127 ZAR Million Feb/24
Current Account -165528 -34400 295264 -241123 ZAR Million Dec/23
Current Account to GDP -1.6 -0.5 6 -7.5 percent of GDP Dec/23
Exports 161855 143989 194076 55.8 ZAR Million Feb/24
Imports 147812 153678 184983 66.1 ZAR Million Feb/24
External Debt 158081 156096 185358 33262 USD Million Dec/23
Tourist Arrivals 955283 1253216 1598893 29341 Feb/24
Gold Reserves 125 125 184 123 Tonnes Dec/23
Foreign Direct Investment 16185 26014 562292 -13910 ZAR Billion Dec/23
Terms of Trade 106 107 130 42.3 points Dec/23
Terrorism Index 0 0.83 3.68 0 Points Dec/23
Weapons Sales 48 89 243 0 SIPRI TIV Million Dec/22
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Government Debt to GDP 72.2 72.8 72.8 27.8 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -4.9 -4.2 1 -10 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget Value 20784 -54662 73838 -143761 ZAR Million Feb/24
Government Spending 923307 926321 926321 65991 ZAR Million Dec/23
Government Revenues 187131 116787 228225 4506 ZAR Million Feb/24
Government Debt 73810 70437 84435 11594 USD Million Dec/23
Fiscal Expenditure 166347 179204 231477 5424 ZAR Million Feb/24
Corruption Index 41 43 56.8 41 Points Dec/23
Corruption Rank 83 72 83 23 Dec/23
Credit Rating 41 Apr/24
Military Expenditure 2781 3110 4594 60.5 USD Million Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Corporate Tax Rate 27 28 37.8 27 percent Dec/23
Personal Income Tax Rate 45 45 45 40 percent Dec/23
Sales Tax Rate 15 15 15 14 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate 2 2 3 2 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate For Companies 1 1 2 1 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate For Employees 1 1 1 1 percent Dec/23
Withholding Tax Rate 15 15 15 15 percent Dec/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Business Confidence 30 31 92 5 points Mar/24
Manufacturing PMI 49.2 51.7 59.99 30.88 points Mar/24
Industrial Production 4.1 2.9 102 -53 percent Feb/24
Industrial Production Mom -0.3 0.4 41.5 -48.8 percent Feb/24
Capacity Utilization 78.7 78 86.2 58.3 percent Dec/23
Changes in Inventories 7515 -39736 97294 -144645 ZAR Million Dec/23
Bankruptcies 138 109 511 0 Companies Feb/24
Car Registrations 26577 28883 43659 105 Units Mar/24
Total Vehicle Sales 44235 44732 65689 574 Units Mar/24
Leading Economic Index 1.7 -0.2 5 -6.3 percent Feb/24
Composite Leading Indicator 98.86 98.97 106 91.7 points Mar/24
Coincident Index 115 115 163 81 points Mar/24
Composite PMI 48.4 50.8 53.7 32.5 points Mar/24
Electricity Production 17410 18180 23801 10439 Gigawatt-hour Feb/24
Gold Production -3.6 -12.7 175 -60.8 percent Feb/24
Mining Production 9.9 -3.3 119 -50.4 percent Feb/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Consumer Confidence -15 -17 26 -36 points Mar/24
Retail Sales MoM 0.4 -3.2 74.5 -50.8 percent Feb/24
Retail Sales YoY -0.8 -2 95.1 -49.9 percent Feb/24
Consumer Spending 3089718 3082836 3095429 260612 ZAR Million Dec/23
Disposable Personal Income 4561365 4493751 4561365 3806 ZAR Million Dec/23
Personal Savings -1.1 -1 23.8 -2.4 percent Dec/23
Private Sector Credit 3.32 3.16 35.88 -2.35 percent Feb/24
Bank Lending Rate 11.75 11.75 25.5 5.5 percent Mar/24
Gasoline Prices 1.29 1.21 1.6 0.43 USD/Liter Mar/24
Households Debt to GDP 34.7 34.5 43.9 33.1 percent of GDP Sep/23
Households Debt to Income 62.4 62 77.6 36 percent Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Building Permits 8077892 4643597 12114101 218553 ZAR Thousand Feb/24
Housing Index 112 112 112 82.3 points Nov/23
Price to Rent Ratio 102 103 120 45.87 Sep/23
Residential Property Prices 2.2 1.9 8.6 1.5 Percent Nov/23
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