
Russia country overview

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Russian Education

The educational landscape of the Soviet Union was characterized by a highly centralized system where the government maintained ownership and management of virtually all educational institutions. The curriculum was notably inflexible, with a clear objective to instill the principles of the communist ideology in its students. As a facet of the broader Soviet infrastructure, educational institutions frequently faced the challenges of operating within overpopulated facilities and under the constraints of scarce resources. The transition towards a more democratic society was accompanied by a strong advocacy for educational reform. In 1992, the federal government enacted legislation that granted regions with a predominant non-Russian population a measure of autonomy in their educational affairs. However, it is mandated that diplomas can only be issued in Russian, Bashkir, and Tatar languages. Furthermore, the federal government retains the authority to design and distribute textbooks, license educators, and establish the instructional standards for the Russian language, scientific disciplines, and mathematics. The financing of schools and the curricula for humanities, history, and social sciences are delegated to regional governance.

In Russia, the provision for preschool education is remarkably comprehensive, with approximately 80% of children between the ages of 3 and 6 attending day nurseries or kindergartens. Education is compulsory for a duration of nine years, commencing at the age of 7 (or 6 in certain regions), culminating in a certificate of basic general education. To obtain a secondary-level certificate, an additional two to three years of schooling are necessary. Notably, a significant majority—nearly seven-eighths—of Russian students pursue their education beyond this point. Non-Russian pupils receive instruction in their native languages, with Russian language studies being an obligatory component of secondary education.

Access to higher education institutions in Russia is both selective and intensely competitive, with standard undergraduate programs spanning a duration of five years. The medium of instruction in higher education is predominantly Russian, although a select number of institutions, particularly in regions with ethnic minorities, offer education in local languages as well.

Moscow State University, established in 1755, stands as Russia’s most venerable institution of higher learning. The 19th and early 20th centuries saw Russian universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Kazan nurturing scholars of global renown, including the mathematician Nikolay Lobachevsky and the chemist Dmitry Mendeleyev. Despite the significant setbacks experienced during the Stalinist purges, several universities have persevered in delivering quality education, especially in scientific fields. Key institutions include Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University (founded in 1819), and Novosibirsk State University (established in 1959).

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the higher education sector has witnessed a remarkable growth in both the number and variety of universities and institutes. In 1991, there were approximately 500 higher education establishments under state control. By the dawn of the 21st century, the number of state-run institutions had increased by nearly 20%, although many grappled with issues such as insufficient state funding, outdated equipment, and overcrowding. These state institutions were augmented by over 300 private colleges and universities, all founded post-1994. While these private entities were licensed by the state and generally benefitted from superior funding compared to their state-run counterparts, they also featured high tuition costs and primarily catered to the emergent Russian middle class.

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