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Research Report: Saudi Arabia’s Decision Not to Renew the Dollar Oil Sale Contract

Initial report release: June 10, 2024.
BRICS Archive publication date: June 17, 2024


Saudi Arabia has recently made a significant decision to not renew its longstanding petrodollar agreement with the United States. This move marks a pivotal shift in global economic dynamics, particularly in the oil trade and currency markets. This report delves into the implications of this decision, exploring the historical context, the reasons behind the move, and its potential global impact.

The potential global impact of Saudi Arabia’s decision is substantial. In the short term, the move is likely to lead to increased volatility in currency markets, as investors adjust to the new reality of a post-petrodollar world. The value of the US dollar may decline, while the yuan and other currencies may gain in prominence. This could lead to a shift in the global currency hierarchy, with the dollar no longer serving as the sole dominant currency. As a result, investors may begin to diversify their currency holdings, leading to a decrease in demand for US Treasury bonds and a subsequent increase in US interest rates. This, in turn, could have a ripple effect on the global economy, leading to higher borrowing costs, slower economic growth, and increased uncertainty in financial markets.

In the oil trade, the shift away from the dollar could lead to higher prices, as producers and consumers adapt to the new currency landscape. Oil-producing countries may begin to price their oil in alternative currencies, such as the yuan or euro, which could lead to a decrease in the dollar’s value and an increase in the value of these alternative currencies. This could have significant implications for countries that rely heavily on oil imports, as they may need to adjust their currency reserves and trade policies to accommodate the new reality.

Furthermore, the decline of the petrodollar could also have significant geopolitical implications. The US has long used its dominance in the global oil trade to exert influence over oil-producing countries and maintain its position as a global hegemon. With the decline of the petrodollar, the US may lose some of its leverage over these countries, leading to a shift in the global balance of power. This could create new opportunities for emerging markets and developing economies to assert their influence on the global stage.

In the longer term, the implications of Saudi Arabia’s decision could be even more profound. The move could accelerate the decline of the US dollar as the global reserve currency, paving the way for a multipolar currency system in which the yuan, euro, and other currencies play a more significant role. This, in turn, could lead to a shift in the global balance of power, as emerging markets and developing economies gain greater influence in international trade and finance. As the world adjusts to this new economic reality, the implications of Saudi Arabia’s decision will be felt for years to come.

Historical Context of the Petrodollar Agreement

To understand the significance of this decision, it is essential to delve into the historical context of the petrodollar agreement. Established in the 1970s, the agreement saw Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter, agree to price its oil in US dollars and invest its surplus oil revenues in US Treasury bonds. This arrangement created a symbiotic relationship between the two nations, with the US providing military protection and diplomatic support to Saudi Arabia in exchange for the kingdom’s commitment to the dollar-based oil trade. The petrodollar agreement was a cornerstone of the US-Saudi alliance, which has been a cornerstone of Middle Eastern politics for decades.

The petrodollar agreement was born out of the 1973 oil embargo, when Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries imposed an oil embargo on the US and other Western countries in response to their support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War. The embargo led to a quadrupling of oil prices, which had a devastating impact on the global economy. In response, the US and Saudi Arabia negotiated the petrodollar agreement, which ensured that Saudi Arabia would price its oil in US dollars and invest its surplus oil revenues in US Treasury bonds. This arrangement provided a steady stream of revenue for the US government, while also giving Saudi Arabia a sense of security and stability in the region.

However, in recent years, the dynamics of the global economy have undergone significant changes. The rise of alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar power, has reduced the world’s dependence on oil and eroded the dominance of OPEC countries. The increasing importance of the Chinese yuan in international trade has also challenged the US dollar’s status as the global reserve currency. Furthermore, the growing influence of emerging markets, such as China, India, and Brazil, has led to a shift in the global economic balance of power. These countries have become major players in international trade and finance, and their growing economic power has led to a decline in the dominance of the US dollar.

Against this backdrop, Saudi Arabia’s decision to abandon the petrodollar agreement marks a significant shift in the global economic balance of power. The kingdom’s move is a clear indication that the old order is crumbling, and that a new era of multipolarity is emerging. The implications of this decision are far-reaching, and will likely have significant consequences for the global economy, international trade, and the balance of power between nations. As the world adjusts to this new reality, one thing is clear: the petrodollar era is coming to an end, and a new era of global economic relations is beginning.

Reasons for Non-Renewal

Economic Diversification and De-Dollarization

Saudi Arabia’s decision to move away from the petrodollar system, where oil was exclusively priced and traded in US dollars, signifies a major shift in their economic strategy. This can be seen as a multi-pronged approach to reduce their dependence on a single source of income – oil – and the US dollar’s dominance in global trade. By accepting payment for oil in a basket of currencies like the Chinese RMB, Euros, and Yen, Saudi Arabia aims to achieve several goals. Firstly, they can diversify their foreign currency reserves, lessening their vulnerability to fluctuations in the US dollar’s value. Secondly, this opens doors for stronger economic ties with other major economies, particularly China, which has been increasingly challenging US dominance. This could lead to new trade partnerships and investments, propelling Saudi Arabia’s economic diversification beyond just oil. The overall impact of this move remains to be seen, but it has the potential to reshape global energy markets and currency dynamics.

Global Trends and Alliances

The recent move by Saudi Arabia to accept various currencies for oil sales marks a significant shift in the global financial landscape, aligning with a growing trend towards a multipolar currency system. This movement, championed by economic alliances such as BRICS and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), aims to reduce the dominance of the US dollar as the sole reserve currency. By diversifying its oil trade, Saudi Arabia throws its weight behind this movement, potentially accelerating the shift towards a more diversified global financial landscape.

The implications of this move are far-reaching, with the potential to reshape the global financial order. A multipolar currency system would allow for greater flexibility and autonomy in international trade, reducing reliance on the US dollar and promoting a more decentralized financial system. This, in turn, could lead to a more equitable distribution of economic power, with emerging markets and developing economies gaining greater influence in global financial decision-making.

Saudi Arabia’s participation in Project mBridge, a collaborative effort between several nations to develop a digital currency platform, further strengthens its commitment to this vision. Project mBridge aims to facilitate instant cross-border payments and foreign exchange transactions, bypassing traditional dollar-based financial systems. If successful, this initiative could create a more efficient and potentially less US-centric way to conduct international business, further eroding the dominance of the US dollar.

The combined effect of Saudi Arabia’s oil trade diversification and participation in Project mBridge could have a profound impact on the global financial order. As the global economy becomes increasingly interconnected, a multipolar currency system could promote greater financial stability, reduce the risk of currency fluctuations, and provide emerging markets with greater autonomy in managing their economies.

In the long term, this shift could pave the way for a future where the US dollar is no longer the sole dominant reserve currency. Instead, a more diversified currency system could emerge, with a basket of currencies, including the yuan, euro, and others, playing a more prominent role in international trade and finance. This, in turn, could lead to a more multipolar world order, with emerging markets and developing economies playing a greater role in shaping global economic policy.

Ultimately, Saudi Arabia’s move marks a significant step towards a more decentralized and diversified global financial system. As the global economy continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see further shifts towards a multipolar currency system, with emerging markets and developing economies playing an increasingly important role in shaping the future of global finance.

Potential Use of Digital Currencies

There is also speculation that Saudi Arabia might explore the use of digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, for transactions. This could further diversify its economic activities and reduce reliance on traditional fiat currencies.

The potential use of digital currencies in Saudi Arabia is an intriguing development that could have far-reaching implications for the country’s economy. By exploring the use of digital currencies like Bitcoin, Saudi Arabia could be taking a significant step towards diversifying its economic activities and reducing its reliance on traditional fiat currencies. This move could have several benefits, including:

Firstly, digital currencies could provide an alternative to traditional payment systems, allowing for faster, cheaper, and more secure transactions. This could be particularly beneficial for cross-border transactions, which are often slow and costly. With digital currencies, Saudi Arabia could attract more foreign investment and facilitate international trade, thereby boosting its economy.

Secondly, digital currencies could help Saudi Arabia reduce its dependence on petrodollars, which have long been the backbone of its economy. By embracing digital currencies, the country could reduce its exposure to fluctuations in the global oil market and create a more diversified economy.

Thirdly, digital currencies could provide an opportunity for financial inclusion in Saudi Arabia. Many people in the country, particularly in rural areas, lack access to traditional banking services. Digital currencies could provide an alternative, allowing individuals to access financial services and participate in the economy more easily.

Furthermore, the use of digital currencies could also help Saudi Arabia to reduce the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing. Digital currencies are based on blockchain technology, which provides a transparent and secure record of all transactions. This could help to prevent illicit activities and ensure that financial transactions are legitimate.

Lastly, the adoption of digital currencies could also have implications for Saudi Arabia’s monetary policy. The country’s central bank could use digital currencies to implement monetary policy more effectively, by adjusting the money supply and interest rates in response to changing economic conditions.

The potential use of digital currencies in Saudi Arabia is an exciting development that could have significant benefits for the country’s economy. By embracing digital currencies, Saudi Arabia could diversify its economy, reduce its reliance on traditional fiat currencies, and create new opportunities for economic growth and development.

Implications of the Decision

Impact on US-Saudi Relations

The non-renewal of the petrodollar agreement is likely to have significant implications for the long-standing relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States. For decades, the petrodollar system has been a cornerstone of their bilateral ties, providing stability and economic benefits to both nations. The system, which requires Saudi Arabia to price its oil exports in US dollars, has created a symbiotic relationship between the two countries. The US has benefited from the arrangement by maintaining the value of its currency, while Saudi Arabia has enjoyed a stable and lucrative market for its oil exports.

However, the shift away from the petrodollar system signals a move towards greater economic independence for Saudi Arabia, and potentially, a reevaluation of its alliances. This could lead to a strain on US-Saudi relations, as the US may no longer be able to rely on Saudi Arabia to maintain the value of the US dollar. The implications of this shift are far-reaching, and could have significant consequences for global geopolitics.

In the short term, the non-renewal of the petrodollar agreement may lead to a decline in US influence in the region, as Saudi Arabia begins to forge new alliances and economic partnerships. This could create opportunities for other nations, such as China, to increase their influence in the region. In the long term, the shift away from the petrodollar system could lead to a fundamental reshaping of the global economic order, with significant implications for international trade, finance, and politics.

The US may need to reassess its relationship with Saudi Arabia and consider new strategies for maintaining its influence in the region. This could involve strengthening ties with other Gulf states, increasing its military presence in the region, or developing new economic partnerships with emerging markets. However, the US must also be prepared to adapt to a new reality, in which its influence is no longer guaranteed, and its relationships with traditional allies are subject to change.

Ultimately, the non-renewal of the petrodollar agreement marks a significant turning point in US-Saudi relations, and has the potential to reshape the global geopolitical landscape. As the two nations navigate this new reality, they must be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances, and to forge new relationships that reflect the shifting balance of power in the region.

Financial Market Reactions

The financial world is bracing for potential upheaval as a result of this decision, which could have far-reaching consequences for global markets. One of the most significant concerns is the potential for increased volatility in currency markets, particularly affecting the value and stability of the US dollar against other major currencies. A decline in the value of the US dollar could lead to higher import prices, inflation, and reduced purchasing power for American consumers. On the other hand, a stronger US dollar could make American exports more expensive and less competitive in the global market, potentially harming US businesses and industries that rely heavily on exports.

However, some analysts believe that the overall impact on the global economy might be limited, given that oil trade represents a small fraction of the global economy. They argue that the global economy is diversified and resilient enough to absorb the shock of this decision, and that other sectors such as technology, healthcare, and services will continue to drive growth and stability. Additionally, some experts predict that the impact of this decision will be short-term and that markets will eventually adjust to the new reality.

Despite these reassurances, investors and traders are likely to remain cautious and risk-averse in the short term, leading to increased market volatility and potentially even a correction in stock markets. Central banks and governments may need to intervene to stabilize markets and maintain confidence, which could involve injecting liquidity, cutting interest rates, or implementing other monetary policies to mitigate the impact of this decision. As the situation unfolds, market participants will be closely watching for signs of stability or instability, and adjusting their investment strategies accordingly.

Geopolitical Implications

The geopolitical implications of Saudi Arabia’s shift away from the US dollar in its oil trading arrangements are far-reaching and multifaceted. One of the most significant consequences is the potential for closer economic ties with countries whose currencies are included in the new arrangements, such as China and Russia. This could lead to a significant shift in global alliances and geopolitical strategies, potentially reducing US influence in the region.

As Saudi Arabia strengthens its economic relationships with China and Russia, it may lead to increased cooperation in other areas, such as security and defense. This could result in a decrease in US influence in the region, as Saudi Arabia becomes less reliant on the US for its security and economic needs. This, in turn, could lead to a shift in the global balance of power, with China and Russia gaining more prominence on the world stage.

Furthermore, this shift could also have implications for global governance and international institutions. As Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries begin to trade in currencies other than the US dollar, it could lead to a decline in the dollar’s status as the global reserve currency. This could have significant implications for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, which are both dominated by the US and have historically been instrumental in promoting US economic interests.

Additionally, the shift away from the US dollar could also lead to a decline in US economic power and influence. The US has long relied on its ability to print dollars and export them to other countries, which has allowed it to run large trade deficits and maintain a high standard of living. However, if other countries begin to trade in alternative currencies, it could reduce the demand for dollars and lead to a decline in the value of the dollar. This could have significant implications for the US economy, including higher interest rates, higher inflation, and a decline in the standard of living.

The geopolitical implications of Saudi Arabia’s shift away from the US dollar in its oil trading arrangements are significant and far-reaching. It has the potential to alter global alliances, reduce US influence in the region, and lead to a decline in US economic power and influence. As the global economy continues to evolve, it will be important to monitor these developments and their implications for global governance, international institutions, and the balance of power.


In conclusion, Saudi Arabia’s decision not to renew the petrodollar agreement with the United States marks a significant shift in international trade relations and global economic dynamics. This bold move signals a deliberate departure from the traditional petrodollar system, which has dominated the global energy market for decades. By embracing a multipolar currency system and exploring digital currencies, Saudi Arabia is positioning itself for a more diversified and resilient economic future.

This strategic decision will have far-reaching implications for US-Saudi relations, which have been built on the foundation of the petrodollar system. The shift away from the US dollar as the primary currency for oil transactions will likely lead to a reevaluation of the bilateral relationship, potentially leading to a more balanced and mutually beneficial partnership. The US may need to adapt to a new reality where its influence is no longer guaranteed, and it must compete with other global powers for influence and cooperation.

The impact on financial markets will also be significant. The petrodollar system has long been a cornerstone of the global financial system, and its demise will likely lead to a period of adjustment and volatility. The value of the US dollar may decline, and other currencies, such as the Chinese yuan or the euro, may gain prominence. This could lead to a shift in global investment patterns, trade flows, and economic growth trajectories.

Furthermore, this move will have significant implications for global geopolitical strategies. The rise of alternative currencies and digital payment systems will create new opportunities for cooperation and competition among nations. The emergence of new global powers, such as China and Russia, will continue to reshape the global landscape, and the decline of the petrodollar system will accelerate this process. The world is entering a new era of multipolarity, where no single nation or currency will dominate the global economy.

In this new era, Saudi Arabia is positioning itself as a key player, leveraging its vast oil reserves and strategic location to forge new alliances and partnerships. The kingdom’s decision to explore digital currencies and blockchain technology will also have significant implications for the future of global finance, trade, and commerce. As the world navigates this new landscape, one thing is clear: the demise of the petrodollar system marks the beginning of a new era of global economic cooperation and competition, where nations will need to adapt and innovate to thrive.

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