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Economic data

Economic Indicators Glossary

Our comprehensive glossary is designed to help you understand what each economic indicator means, how it’s calculated, and what it reveals about the economy. With our glossary, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the economic landscape and be able to make more informed decisions.

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Indicator Table
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.1 7.1 23.01 -12.54 percent Dec/23
Unemployment Rate 7.6 7.9 14.7 7.6 percent Dec/23
Inflation Rate 35.8 38.5 59.02 -3.27 percent Feb/24
Interest Rate 23 23 23 10 percent Mar/24
Balance of Trade -4743 -1556 20935 -6529 USD Million Sep/23
Current Account 2621 4393 18850 -9448 USD Million Sep/23
Current Account to GDP 3.4 4.2 10.7 -14.77 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Debt to GDP 30.6 34.1 48.3 11.8 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -5.5 -4.1 6.6 -6.3 percent of GDP Dec/23
Indicator Table
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.1 7.1 23.01 -12.54 percent Dec/23
GDP 413 359 644 4.2 USD Billion Dec/22
GDP Constant Prices 2196092 2190120 2196092 40077 IRR Billion Dec/23
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 224727 251709 461654 206556 IRR Billion Dec/23
GDP per Capita 5508 5345 7622 2348 USD Dec/22
GDP per Capita PPP 15461 15005 15461 9442 USD Dec/22
GDP from Agriculture 173794 153190 173794 36987 IRR Billion Dec/23
GDP from Mining 843578 844918 960708 648963 IRR Billion Dec/23
GDP from Services 1201591 1187444 1224510 585831 IRR Billion Dec/23
Indicator Table
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Unemployment Rate 7.6 7.9 14.7 7.6 percent Dec/23
Employed Persons 24775913 24685513 24775913 19508063 None Dec/23
Youth Unemployment Rate 20.6 20.1 30.4 19.2 percent Dec/23
Population 85.3 84.7 85.3 21.96 Million Dec/23
Indicator Table
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Inflation Rate 35.8 38.5 59.02 -3.27 percent Feb/24
Consumer Price Index CPI 226 223 226 90 points Feb/24
Producer Prices 1035 1024 1035 45.6 points Feb/24
Food Inflation 31.6 38.9 87 1.8 percent Feb/24
Export Prices 179 183 183 86.4 points Sep/23
Import Prices 454 434 454 81.7 points Sep/23
CPI Housing Utilities 212 206 212 159 points Feb/24
CPI Transportation 207 201 207 185 points Feb/24
Inflation Rate MoM 1.4 2.6 10.6 -4.17 percent Feb/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period Interest Rate
Indicator 23 23 23 10 percent Mar/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period Value
Balance of Trade -4743 -1556 20935 -6529 USD Million Sep/23
Current Account 2621 4393 18850 -9448 USD Million Sep/23
Current Account to GDP 3.4 4.2 10.7 -14.77 percent of GDP Dec/23
Exports 11681 12462 38751 3112 USD Million Sep/23
Imports 16424 14019 26131 2917 USD Million Sep/23
Crude Oil Production 3188 3161 6677 510 BBL/D/1K Mar/24
External Debt 6282 8675 28647 5107 USD Million Dec/22
Foreign Direct Investment 1224 906 4322 15.6 USD Million Dec/20
Non Oil Exports 42246 40748 42246 2445 USD Million Dec/22
Oil Exports 55410 38723 119148 10659 USD Million Dec/22
Terrorism Index 4.46 5.69 6.16 1.9 Points Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Government Debt to GDP 30.6 34.1 48.3 11.8 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -5.5 -4.1 6.6 -6.3 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget Value -3126008 -1755366 -19764 -3126008 IRR Billion Dec/21
Government Revenues 4965776 2791648 4965776 31006 IRR Billion Dec/21
Fiscal Expenditure 8091784 4547013 8091784 53546 IRR Billion Dec/21
Corruption Index 24 25 30 18 Points Dec/23
Corruption Rank 149 147 168 78 Dec/23
Government Spending 1694088 1889024 1889024 701349 IRR Billion Dec/22
Military Expenditure 10283 7334 19733 98.7 USD Million Dec/23
Sales Tax Rate 9 9 9 3 percent Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Industrial Production 3.9 3 102 -61.2 percent Sep/24
Changes in Inventories 373314 80245 265393 -11901 IRR Billion Dec/23
Car Production 1535756 868130 1181665 624749 Units Mar/23
Steel Production 166 2600 3300 2200 Thousand Tonnes Feb/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Consumer Spending 1007003 1162840 1162840 583885 IRR Billion Dec/23
Gasoline Prices 0.36 0.36 0.39 0.06 USD/Liter Mar/24
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