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IN4U Policy on confidentiality and security.


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Our Commitment to Privacy

At in4u, we are dedicated to protecting the privacy of our users. This commitment to privacy is at the core of everything we do. We understand the importance of maintaining the trust of our users and strive to uphold the highest standards of data protection. Unlike many other companies in the tech industry, we do not believe in exploiting users’ personal information for financial gain.

Our Stance on Data Privacy

Our stance on data privacy is not just a promise, but a fundamental principle that guides our operations. We have implemented stringent measures to ensure that our users’ personal information remains secure and confidential. From encrypting data to regularly updating our security protocols, we are constantly working to safeguard the privacy of our users. By putting our users first and respecting their right to privacy, we have built a loyal customer base who appreciate our commitment to ethical business practices.

Our Principles

We firmly believe that individuals should have control over their own data and should not have to worry about their online activities being monitored or sold to third parties. At in4u, our focus is on providing value to our users through our services, rather than exploiting their personal information for profit. We are proud to offer a safe and secure platform where individuals can connect, collaborate, and communicate without compromising their privacy.

Collection of Personal Information

We collect personal information from users in the following ways:

  • Contact Form: When you submit a query or feedback through our contact form, we collect your name, email address, and message.
  • Cookies: We use cookies to collect information about your browsing behavior on our website, such as the pages you visit and the searches you conduct.

Types of Personal Information Collected

We collect the following types of personal information:

  • Name: Your full name
  • Email Address: Your email address
  • IP Address: Your IP address, which is used to identify your location and improve our website’s performance
  • Browser Type: The type of browser you use to access our website
  • Search Queries: The searches you conduct on our website

Use of Personal Information

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Communication: To respond to your queries and feedback
  • Improvement: To improve the performance and functionality of our website
  • Security: To protect our website and users from potential threats

Disclosure of Personal Information

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties, except in the following circumstances:

  • Legal Requirements: We may disclose your personal information to comply with legal requirements, such as a court order or subpoena.
  • Service Providers: We may disclose your personal information to our service providers, such as web hosting companies, who help us maintain our website.

Security of Personal Information

We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Our website uses encryption to protect your personal information during transmission.


We use cookies to collect information about your browsing behavior on our website. You can choose to disable cookies in your browser settings, but this may affect your experience on our website.

Access and Correction

You have the right to access and correct your personal information. To do so, please contact us through our contact form.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and your continued use of our website will constitute your acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through our contact form.

Effective Date

This Privacy Policy is effective as of May 2, 2024 and supersedes all prior versions.

By using our website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy

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The Cooperative Framework of BRICS by IN4U platform is a dedicated digital space for fostering collaboration and cooperation among inter BRICS government entities and international organizations.

BRICS Collaboration Made Easy: Access info & cooperation tools on IN4U.

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