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BRICS Chairman 2024
Focusing on Policy and
Security Priorities.

Priority focus

The priorities in policy and security are:

  • Seamlessly and harmoniously integrating the association’s new members into interaction in the BRICS format
  • Developing modalities for interaction with BRICS partner countries
  • Enhancing the efficiency of the system of international relations and ensuring its further democratization
  • Upholding the supremacy of international law and the principle of the sovereign equality of states
  • Creating strong BRICS ties with developing nations and their integration associations, including in the ‘outreach’ and ‘BRICS+’ formats
  • Promoting the institutional development of BRICS
  • Intensifying cooperation to ensure international security and strategic stability at the regional and global levels, and also to maintain and strengthen international legal regimes in arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation
  • Developing the capacity for cooperation in countering terrorism
  • Combatting money laundering and the financing of terrorism
  • Strengthening cooperation to combat crime, including efforts to return assets obtained by criminal means
  • Developing practical cooperation to counter current challenges and threats in the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and their precursors
  • Intensifying the dialogue on anti-corruption issues
  • Enhancing cooperation to establish a system for ensuring international information security in order to prevent and resolve conflicts in the information space and prevent it from being militarized

As the BRICS chairman for 2024 sets out to achieve these priorities, the association is well-positioned to continue its growth as a major player on the global stage. By deepening cooperation with partner countries and addressing pressing challenges related to security, law enforcement, and counter-terrorism, BRICS can play an increasingly important role in shaping international relations and promoting a more stable and prosperous world.

Integrating New Members and Developing Modalities

One of the top priorities for BRICS in 2024 is to seamlessly integrate the association’s new members into its existing format. This will involve developing modalities for interaction with these countries, ensuring that they are fully incorporated into the organization’s decision-making processes and activities.

Efficiency, Democratization, and International Law

The BRICS chairman will also focus on enhancing the efficiency of the system of international relations within the association, while ensuring its further democratization. This will involve promoting greater transparency, inclusivity, and participation in decision-making processes, as well as upholding the supremacy of international law and the principle of sovereign equality among states.

Ties with Developing Nations and Integration Associations

In addition to strengthening internal dynamics, BRICS 2024 will prioritize creating strong ties with developing nations and their integration associations. This includes exploring opportunities for “outreach” and “BRICS+” formats, which aim to deepen cooperation and promote mutual understanding between the association’s member states and other countries around the world.

International Security and Strategic Stability

The BRICS chairman will also place a strong emphasis on intensifying cooperation to ensure international security and strategic stability at both regional and global levels. This will involve maintaining and strengthening existing international legal regimes in areas such as arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation.

Countering Terrorism and Crime

In the face of ongoing threats from terrorism and organized crime, BRICS 2024 will prioritize developing practical cooperation to counter these challenges. This includes enhancing capacity for cooperation in countering terrorism, combating money laundering and financing of terrorism, and strengthening efforts to combat crime and return assets obtained by criminal means.

Addressing Current Challenges

The association will also focus on developing practical cooperation to address current challenges and threats related to the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and their precursors. This will involve enhancing cooperation to prevent and resolve conflicts in the information space, as well as preventing its militarization.

Anti-Corruption Dialogue and Information Security

BRICS Chairman 2024 will prioritize intensifying the dialogue on anti-corruption issues and enhancing cooperation to establish a system for ensuring international information security. This will involve developing practical measures to prevent and resolve conflicts in the information space, while also promoting greater transparency and accountability within the association.

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