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BRAZIL national statistics.

Economic data

Economic Indicators Glossary

Our comprehensive glossary is designed to help you understand what each economic indicator means, how it’s calculated, and what it reveals about the economy. With our glossary, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the economic landscape and be able to make more informed decisions.

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Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
GDP Growth Rate 0 0 8 -9 percent Dec/23
GDP Annual Growth Rate 2.1 2 12.4 -10.1 percent Dec/23
Unemployment Rate 7.8 7.6 14.7 6.2 percent Feb/24
Inflation Rate 3.93 4.5 6821 1.65 percent Mar/24
Inflation Rate MoM 0.16 0.83 82.39 -0.68 percent Mar/24
Interest Rate 10.75 11.25 45 2 percent Mar/24
Cash Reserve Ratio 21 21 100 21 percent Mar/24
Balance of Trade 7483 5308 11034 -4496 USD Million Mar/24
Current Account -4373 -5100 3402 -14126 USD Million Feb/24
Current Account to GDP -2.92 -2.81 1.7 -8.2 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Debt to GDP 72.87 78.29 86.94 51.27 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget -4.6 -4.3 -2 -13.3 percent of GDP Dec/22
Business Confidence 51.5 52.8 68.3 34.5 points Apr/24
Manufacturing PMI 53.6 54.1 66.7 36 points Mar/24
Services PMI 54.8 54.6 60.8 27.4 points Mar/24
Retail Sales MoM 1 2.5 11.7 -15.9 percent Feb/24
Corporate Tax Rate 34 34 37 25 percent Dec/23
Personal Income Tax Rate 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 percent Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
GDP Growth Rate 0 0 8 -9 percent Dec/23
GDP Annual Growth Rate 2.1 2 12.4 -10.1 percent Dec/23
GDP 1920 1650 2616 17.03 USD Billion Dec/22
GDP Constant Prices 321781 329396 329396 170920 BRL Million Dec/23
Gross National Product 2745270 2657508 2745270 271187 BRL Million Dec/23
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 457115 455020 499237 35403 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP per Capita 8831 8622 9216 2578 USD Dec/22
GDP per Capita PPP 15093 14736 15751 10104 USD Dec/22
Full Year GDP Growth 2.9 3 14 -4.4 percent Dec/23
GDP from Agriculture 13755 21808 31568 6923 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Construction 16506 16305 20194 10342 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Manufacturing 28923 31044 37408 21655 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Mining 2842 2782 2842 1097 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Public Administration 40032 40125 40164 26247 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Services 202532 200721 202532 100853 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Transport 8696 8882 9391 5031 BRL Million Dec/23
GDP from Utilities 8424 8141 8424 3668 BRL Million Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Unemployment Rate 7.8 7.6 14.7 6.2 percent Feb/24
Employed Persons 100 101 101 81.67 Million Feb/24
Unemployed Persons 8.54 8.29 14.83 6.01 Million Feb/24
Labor Force Participation Rate 62 62.1 62.7 54.7 percent Feb/24
Labour Costs 137 118 182 39.6 points Jan/24
Wages 3110 3097 3204 2743 BRL/Month Feb/24
Minimum Wages 1412 1412 1412 64.79 BRL/Month Apr/24
Population 215 213 215 72.74 Million Dec/22
Retirement Age Women 62 62 62 60 Years Dec/24
Retirement Age Men 65 65 65 65 Years Dec/24
Employment Rate 57.1 57.3 57.6 46.8 percent Feb/24
Non Farm Payrolls 306 180 415 -860 Thousand Feb/24
Productivity 137 118 182 39.6 points Jan/24
Wages in Manufacturing 3054 3016 3325 2637 BRL/Month Feb/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Inflation Rate 3.93 4.5 6821 1.65 percent Mar/24
Inflation Rate MoM 0.16 0.83 82.39 -0.68 percent Mar/24
Consumer Price Index CPI 6858 6802 6858 0 points Feb/24
Core Inflation Rate 4.66 5.06 9.7 1.29 percent Feb/24
GDP Deflator 4.7 8.6 2737 3.7 percent Dec/23
Producer Prices 158 158 576 0 points Feb/24
Export Prices 122 123 144 49.74 points Jan/24
Import Prices 105 108 135 49.12 points Jan/24
Food Inflation 2.62 1.82 5267 -2.3 percent Feb/24
IGP-M Inflation MoM -0.47 -0.52 83.95 -1.93 percent Mar/24
IPC-Fipe Inflation MoM 0.26 0.46 79.11 -2.09 percent Mar/24
Mid-month Inflation Rate MoM 0.36 0.78 3.05 -0.73 percent Mar/24
Mid-month Inflation Rate YoY 4.14 4.49 17.24 1.92 percent Mar/24
Producer Price Inflation MoM 0.06 -0.24 5.16 -3.04 Percent Feb/24
CPI Housing Utilities 11458 11428 11458 0 points Feb/24
CPI Transportation 6572 6525 6669 0 points Feb/24
Producer Prices Change -5.16 -5.49 6720 -14.02 percent Feb/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Interest Rate 10.75 11.25 45 2 percent Mar/24
Cash Reserve Ratio 21 21 100 21 percent Mar/24
Money Supply M0 417796 414701 427958 0 BRL Million Mar/24
Money Supply M1 611021 608328 653080 0 BRL Million Feb/24
Money Supply M2 5884928 5857676 5913357 0.01 BRL Million Feb/24
Money Supply M3 11015263 10887406 11015263 0.01 BRL Million Feb/24
Banks Balance Sheet 10312584 10110614 10312584 739182 BRL Million Mar/23
Foreign Exchange Reserves 352704 355066 388092 1187 USD Million Feb/24
Loans to Private Sector 810494 811609 875167 169316 BRL Million Feb/24
Deposit Interest Rate 10.95 11.95 54180 1.33 percent Dec/23
Central Bank Balance Sheet 4098642000 4127024000 4288302000 6.4 BRL Thousand Sep/23
Interbank Rate 9.29 9.29 16.05 0.89 percent Apr/24
Loan Growth 0.2 -0.2 3.7 -1 percent Feb/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Balance of Trade 7483 5308 11034 -4496 USD Million Mar/24
Current Account -4373 -5100 3402 -14126 USD Million Feb/24
Current Account to GDP -2.92 -2.81 1.7 -8.2 percent of GDP Dec/22
Exports 27980 23494 32831 75.06 USD Million Mar/24
Imports 20498 18186 26680 67 USD Million Mar/24
External Debt 738588 732643 738588 64260 USD Million Mar/24
Terms of Trade 116 115 122 59.18 points Jan/24
Capital Flows -4228 -4741 3120 -14570 USD Million Feb/24
Foreign Direct Investment 5012 8741 16275 -5178 USD Million Feb/24
Remittances 307 344 454 70.79 USD Million Feb/24
Gold Reserves 130 130 130 31.99 Tonnes Dec/23
Crude Oil Production 3585 3678 3678 330 BBL/D/1K Dec/23
External Debt to GDP 2.9 3.2 6.1 1.6 percent of GDP Dec/21
Terrorism Index 1.99 0.6 2.69 0.29 Points Dec/23
Tourist Arrivals 3630 746 6621 746 Thousand Dec/22
Weapons Sales 121 92 269 0 SIPRI TIV Million Dec/22
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Government Debt to GDP 72.87 78.29 86.94 51.27 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget -4.6 -4.3 -2 -13.3 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget Value -113858 22232 84061 -210161 BRL Million Feb/24
Government Spending 190938 158357 303133 9016 BRL Million Feb/24
Government Revenues 186522 280636 280636 12715 BRL Million Feb/24
Gross Debt to GDP 75.5 75 90.7 61.7 percent of GDP Feb/24
Corruption Index 36 38 43 27 Points Dec/23
Corruption Rank 104 94 106 36 Dec/23
Credit Rating 43 Apr/24
Government Debt 8301796 8210715 8301796 1336645 BRL Million Feb/24
Military Expenditure 22888 20542 36936 342 USD Million Dec/23
Corporate Tax Rate 34 34 37 25 percent Dec/23
Personal Income Tax Rate 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 percent Dec/23
Sales Tax Rate 17 17 17 17 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate 42.8 39.8 42.8 31 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate For Companies 28.8 28.8 31.8 20 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate For Employees 14 11 14 11 percent Dec/23
Withholding Tax Rate 15 15 15 15 percent Dec/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Business Confidence 51.5 52.8 68.3 34.5 points Apr/24
Manufacturing PMI 53.6 54.1 66.7 36 points Mar/24
Services PMI 54.8 54.6 60.8 27.4 points Mar/24
Composite PMI 55.1 55.1 59.4 26.5 points Mar/24
Industrial Production 5 3.7 37.2 -27.7 percent Feb/24
Industrial Production Mom -0.3 -1.5 25.1 -24.4 percent Feb/24
Manufacturing Production 4.9 3.1 40.3 -31.8 percent Feb/24
Capacity Utilization 77.6 77.7 84.6 73.1 percent Jan/24
Changes in Inventories -96154 -14707 152053 -103661 BRL Million Dec/23
Car Production 195751 189684 352328 1847 Units Mar/24
Car Registrations 187731 165225 420080 1793 Units Mar/24
Total Vehicle Sales 120315 118503 325722 23705 Units Feb/24
Leading Economic Index 0.4 0.52 5.06 -9.92 percent Feb/24
Small Business Sentiment 51.3 50.5 65.6 34.6 points Mar/24
Composite Leading Indicator 102 102 105 93.48 points Mar/24
Mining Production 5.31 6.92 21.3 -22.8 percent Feb/24
Steel Production 2800 2500 3269 918 Thousand Tonnes Feb/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Retail Sales MoM 1 2.5 11.7 -15.9 percent Feb/24
Retail Sales YoY 8.2 4.1 23.7 -17.1 percent Feb/24
Consumer Spending 1808771 1748885 1808771 125685 BRL Million Dec/23
Consumer Credit 3578317 3559161 3578317 0 BRL Million Feb/24
Private Sector Credit 5566526 5553774 5568407 0 BRL Million Feb/24
Bank Lending Rate 52.46 52.57 254 37.2 percent Feb/24
Economic Optimism Index 91.3 89.7 113 58.2 points Mar/24
Gasoline Prices 1.15 1.16 1.58 0.53 USD/Liter Mar/24
Households Debt to GDP 34.4 34.3 34.7 10.4 percent of GDP Sep/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Housing Index 159 158 159 100 points Feb/24
Residential Property Prices 1.43 1.22 26.17 -2.89 Percent Dec/23

The BRICS consortium, now encompassing ten members, is a significant force in global affairs. Within this loose alliance, the concept of the BRICS Chair plays a pivotal role in steering the organization’s course. Let’s delve into the details of this position.


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