2024 BRICS Chairmanship
Russian Federation January 1
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Russia’s priorities during BRICS 2024
I. The priorities in policy and security are:
- Seamlessly and harmoniously integrating the association’s new members into interaction in the BRICS format
- Developing modalities for interaction with BRICS partner countries
- Enhancing the efficiency of the system of international relations and ensuring its further democratization
- Upholding the supremacy of international law and the principle of the sovereign equality of states
- Creating strong BRICS ties with developing nations and their integration associations, including in the ‘outreach’ and ‘BRICS+’ formats
- Promoting the institutional development of BRICS
- Intensifying cooperation to ensure international security and strategic stability at the regional and global levels, and also to maintain and strengthen international legal regimes in arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation
- Developing the capacity for cooperation in countering terrorism
- Combatting money laundering and the financing of terrorism
- Strengthening cooperation to combat crime, including efforts to return assets obtained by criminal means
- Developing practical cooperation to counter current challenges and threats in the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and their precursors
- Intensifying the dialogue on anti-corruption issues
- Enhancing cooperation to establish a system for ensuring international information security in order to prevent and resolve conflicts in the information space and prevent it from being militarized
II. Cooperation in economy and finance
- Uniting efforts against the fragmentation of the multilateral trade system, increased protectionism, and the introduction of illegal unilateral trade restrictions
- Adapting the global trade system to threats related to the consequences of global crises
- Strengthening interaction among BRICS states on the relevant multilateral platforms, including the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group, and the G20
- Increasing the volume of trade and direct investment
- Promoting a balanced and fair transition to a low-carbon economy
- Implementing the Action Plan for Innovative Cooperation for 2021-2024 and further intensifying cooperation in this area
- Enhancing the role of BRICS states in the international monetary and financial system
- Developing interbank cooperation, providing assistance in transforming the international payment system, and expanding the use of the national currencies of BRICS states in mutual trade
- Strengthening cooperation on the use of payment systems and financial technologies
- Intensifying the dialogue between BRICS states on industrial development issues that aim to promote increased labour productivity and digitalization
- Strengthening cooperation in the agricultural sector, including the development of mutual trade, as well as ensuring food security
- Intensifying cooperation in the energy sector, including assistance in ensuring energy security
- Expanding cooperation in the transport sector
- Boosting capacity to detect and respond to outbreaks of infectious diseases of international concern as well as interaction to reduce the spread of and eradicate epidemics
- Intensifying cooperation to prevent and eliminate the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies
- Strengthening cooperation in technology transfers using the potential of the network of BRICS centres and supporting joint high-tech production in BRICS states
- Intensifying cooperation among the business communities of BRICS states
III. Cooperation in the humanitarian and cultural spheres
- Institutionalizing interparliamentary cooperation
- Strengthening cooperation in education, including by building up the capacity of the BRICS Network University and the BRICS Cooperation Alliance in technical and vocational education
- Intensifying cooperation among representatives of the BRICS scientific and expert community
- Strengthening interaction among young scientists and innovators
- Promoting the development of multifaceted cooperation in cultural affairs
- Intensifying interaction in physical culture and sports
- Intensifying cooperation in tourism
- Enhancing practical interaction on the implementation of youth policy
- Promoting the development of social partnership, the volunteer movement, and volunteering
- Supporting cooperation among BRICS regions, cities, and municipalities
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