BRICS Ministers Meetings
2015 New York meeting: Documents
BRICS Foreign Ministers meetings Index
- 2024: 10-11 June, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
- 2023: June 1, Cape Town, South Africa
- 2022: May 19, virtual (chaired by China)
- 2021: June 1, virtual (chaired by India)
- 2020: September 4, virtual (chaired by Russia)
- 2019: September 26, New York
- 2019: July 26, Rio de Janeiro
- 2018: September 27, New York
- 2018: June 4, Pretoria
- 2017: September 21, New York
- 2016: September 20, New York
- 2015: September 29, New York
- 2015: May 25, Moscow — Deputy Foreign Ministers
- 2014: September 25, New York
- 2014: March 24, The Hague
- 2013: September 26, New York
- 2012: September 26, New York
- 2011: November 24, Moscow, Russia
- 2011: September 23, New York
- 2010: September 21, New York
- 2009: September 24, New York
- 2009: May 16, Yekaterinburg
- 2008: September 25, New York
Press release - Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs New York, September 29, 2015
The BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs held their regular meeting on September 29, 2015, in New York on the margins of this annual session of the United Nations General Assembly which marks the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and the end of the Second World War.
The Ministers paid tribute to all those who fought against fascism and militarism and for freedom of nations.
The BRICS Ministers reiterated their intention to contribute to safeguarding a fair and equitable international order based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, as stated in the Ufa Summit declaration. They recalled 2005 World Summit Outcome Document. They reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the United Nations including its Security Council with a view to making it more representative and efficient.
The Ministers discussed the current state of global economy and finances. They recognize the significant contribution of BRICS to the global economy and express full confidence in their economic prospects. They also highlighted the importance of decisive and effective actions to accelerate global growth. They reiterated the urgency of unblocking the IMF reform as a measure to reform global economic governance consistent with the interests and needs of the developing countries.
The Ministers stressed the importance of closer economic, financial and trade cooperation, particularly through policy coordination, timely implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership, and the full functioning of the New Development Bank and its African Regional Centre.
The Ministers expressed their full support for a successful outcome at the COP21 later this year. They called for a comprehensive, balanced and equitable agreement with legal force for the post-2020 period that is in conformity with the principles and provisions of UNFCCC to be attained in an open, transparent, inclusive negotiating process.
The Ministers expressed their concern over continued conflicts in various regions which undermine stability and security and provide fertile grounds for terrorist activities and cause migration waves.
They noted that terrorist activities of the extremist organizations which control large parts of territory of the Republic of Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic pose a direct threat not only to all the countries of the Middle East, but to the whole international community.
The Ministers reiterated their strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and expressed their conviction that a comprehensive approach was necessary to ensure an effective fight against terrorism.
The Ministers urged concerted efforts to counter terrorism on a firm international legal basis, under the UN auspices.
The Ministers stressed the need to continue support to the process of political settlement of the conflict in Syria on the basis of the Geneva communique of June 30, 2012.
The Ministers welcomed the efforts to resolve conflicts in Africa led by Africa. They believe that the African Stand-by Force and the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises that are being operationalized in the framework of the African Peace and Security Architecture have a significant potential in the maintenance of peace and stability on the African continent.
The Ministers reiterated their deep concern about the situation in Ukraine. They emphasized that there is no military solution to the conflict and that the only way to reconciliation is through inclusive political dialogue. The Ministers called on all parties to comply with all provisions of the Minsk Agreements adopted in February 2015. They urged the parties to observe the achieved ceasefire and make it sustainable.
The Parties discussed the possibilities for the mutual support of each other’s initiatives at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.
The Ministers commended Russia for hosting the VII BRICS Summit in Ufa and expressed their satisfaction with the progress achieved in the implementation of the Ufa Action Plan.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of India informed the partners of the preparations for the VIII BRICS Summit.
Since its inception, the BRICS has expanded its activities in two main streams of work: (i) coordination in meetings and international organization; and (ii) the development of an agenda for multisectorial cooperation among its members.
In relation to the BRICS coordination in international fora and organizations, the mechanism focusses on the economic-financial and political governance spheres. As to the first, the BRICS agenda prioritized G-20 cooperation, including the IMF reform. In the political realm, the BRICS advocate the reform of the United Nations and of its Security Council, aiming for more inclusive representation and a more democratic international governance. Moreover, the BRICS maintain a constant dialogue on the main issues on the international agenda.
Five years after the first Summit, in 2009, the intra-BRICS activities already cover 30 areas such as: agriculture, science and technology, culture, outer space, think tanks, Internet governance and security, social welfare, intellectual property, health, and tourism, among others.
The economic-financial sphere stands out as one of the most promising areas of activity for the BRICS. Two instruments of special importance were signed at the VI BRICS Summit (Fortaleza, July 2014): the constituent agreements of the New Development Bank (NDB) – aimed at the financing of infrastructure projects and sustainable development in emerging economies and developing countries – and the Contingent Reserves Arrangement (CRA) – which has the goal of promoting mutual support amongst the BRICS members in situations of instability in the balance of payments. The initial capital subscribed to the NBD was $50 billion and the authorized capital was $100 billion. The resources allocated to the CRA, in turn, will amount to $100 billion.
The political coordination between BRICS members has been and will continue to be undertaken without any element of confrontation with other countries. The BRICS are open to cooperation and constructive engagement with other countries, as well as open with international and regional organizations in dealing with current international issues.
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