Joint BRICS statement at UNEA-6

Joint BRICS Statement at UNEA-6 (Nairobi, 29 February 2024)

1. BRICS countries reaffirm the call for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and underscore the importance of collaborating on issues related to its three dimensions, the sound management of waste globally and efforts to protect human health and the environment.

2. We also welcome the deliberations on issues of common interest such as the development of a pragmatic international legally binding instrument on plastics pollution including in the marine environment and search of consensus on other Multilateral Environmental Agreements negotiations.

3. It is important to address the challenges posed by climate change while also ensuring a just, fair, equitable and sustainable transition to a low-carbon economy and climate resilient economy in line with the principles of equity and Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities principles, and reemphasize the importance of implementing the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement.

4. We thank the United Arab Emirates for hosting the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

5. We reaffirm our commitment to working with other parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity to implement the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

6. We acknowledge that the financial support to ensure effective and timely implementation of environment and climate change programmes need to be enhanced, both through existing mechanisms like GEF and CIF and through the MDBs to provide accessible and scaled-up concessional finance.

7. We express our concern at any unilateral discriminatory measure that will distort international trade, risk new trade barriers and shift the burden of addressing climate change to BRICS members and other developing countries. We underline that measures taken to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss must not constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade and must not create unnecessary obstacles to international trade.

8. BRICS Countries recognize the importance of implementing the SDGs, combatting climate change through efforts and concrete measures, promoting sustainable land use and water management, conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity and agree to advance the sound management of chemicals and waste globally and strengthen efforts to protect human health and the environment.

9. BRICS countries have a significant interest in the conservation and sustainable use of the marine environment.

10. BRICS countries acknowledge the importance of bioenergy for achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions.

11. BRICS countries stress the urgency to act to ensure the safeguarding of vital human needs of water, including drinking water, water for food production, sanitation and other domestic uses. We reiterate that international cooperation remains critical to strengthen international governance and multilateralism, and reaffirm the important role for BRICS in advancing international environmental governance within the United Nations (UN) system and based on agreed UN principles.

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