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Economic data

Economic Indicators Glossary

Our comprehensive glossary is designed to help you understand what each economic indicator means, how it’s calculated, and what it reveals about the economy. With our glossary, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the economic landscape and be able to make more informed decisions.

See the glossary


Stock Market83.5783.585.190.63pointsJul/24 
GDP Growth Rate2.11.922.6-22.5percentDec/23 
GDP Annual Growth Rate7.88.622.6-23.1percentMar/24 
Unemployment Rate7.648.0123.56.4percentMar/24 
Inflation Rate4.754.8312.171.54percentMar/24 
Interest Rate6.56.514.54percentJun/24 
Cash Reserve Ratio4.54.510.53percentJun/24 
Balance of Trade-23.8-19.10.71-31.46USD BillionMay/24 
Current Account5700-870019083-31857USD MillionMar/24 
Current Account to GDP-1.2-22.3-4.8percent of GDPDec/23 
Government Debt to GDP86.5485.2189.4547.94percent of GDPDec/22 
Government Budget-5.63-6.44-2.53-9.17percent of GDPDec/23 
Business Confidence13013513996.4pointsMar/24 
Manufacturing PMI58.357.559.127.4pointsJun/24 
Services PMI60.560.262.35.4pointsJun/24 
Consumer Confidence97.598.511748.5pointsMay/24 
Corporate Tax Rate34.9425.1738.9525.17percentDec/22 
Personal Income Tax Rate42.7442.7442.7430percentDec/22 
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
GDP Growth Rate 2.1 1.9 22.6 -22.5 percent Dec/23
GDP Annual Growth Rate 7.8 8.6 22.6 -23.1 percent Mar/24
GDP 3550 3353 3550 37.03 USD Billion Dec/23
GDP Constant Prices 47238 43807 47238 7500 INR Billion Mar/24
Gross National Product 17034386 15681337 17034386 5442938 INR Tens Of Million Dec/23
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 15702 14067 15702 2022 INR Billion Mar/24
GDP per Capita 2239 2098 2239 306 USD Dec/23
GDP per Capita PPP 9172 8594 9172 2166 USD Dec/23
Full Year GDP Growth 8.2 7 9.7 -5.8 percent Mar/24
GDP from Agriculture 6309 7115 7115 2691 INR Billion Mar/24
GDP from Construction 4201 3612 4201 1438 INR Billion Mar/24
GDP from Manufacturing 7709 6539 7709 3331 INR Billion Mar/24
GDP from Mining 1005 826 1057 556 INR Billion Mar/24
GDP from Public Administration 5237 5159 5237 2329 INR Billion Mar/24
GDP from Utilities 928 897 977 463 INR Billion Mar/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Unemployment Rate 7.64 8.01 23.5 6.4 percent Mar/24
Labor Force Participation Rate 50.2 49.9 63.7 45.9 percent Mar/24
Population 1374 1361 1374 359 Million Dec/22
Retirement Age Women 60 60 60 60 Years Dec/23
Retirement Age Men 60 60 60 60 Years Dec/23
Employment Rate 46.9 46.6 50.8 36.4 percent Mar/24
Minimum Wages 178 178 178 35 INR/Day Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Consumer Price Index CPI 188 187 188 86.81 points May/24
GDP Deflator 173 170 173 58.1 points Dec/24
Producer Prices 153 153 155 62.44 points May/24
Producer Prices Change 2.61 1.26 34.68 -11.31 percent May/24
Export Prices 160 144 284 100 points Dec/23
Import Prices 157 134 459 84.5 points Dec/23
Food Inflation 8.7 8.7 14.72 -2.65 percent May/24
Producer Price Inflation MoM 0.2 1.06 2.58 -1.89 percent May/24
WPI Food Index YoY 7.4 5.52 14.14 -2.55 percent May/24
WPI Fuel YoY 1.35 1.38 50.95 -25.57 percent May/24
WPI Manufacturing YoY 0.78 -0.42 12.87 -2.97 percent May/24
CPI Housing Utilities 180 180 180 100 points May/24
CPI Transportation 166 166 167 103 points May/24
Inflation Expectations 9.9 9.8 16 7.9 percent May/24
Inflation Rate MoM 0.48 0.48 2.93 -1.55 percent May/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Cash Reserve Ratio 4.5 4.5 10.5 3 percent Jun/24
Interbank Rate 7.29 7.29 12.27 3.63 percent Jul/24
Money Supply M1 60904 59558 60904 17.01 INR Billion Mar/24
Money Supply M2 61855 61560 61855 1127 INR Billion Mar/24
Money Supply M3 253519 255147 436862 20.57 INR Billion Jun/24
Central Bank Balance Sheet 35871 33689 35871 1624 INR Billion Mar/24
Foreign Exchange Reserves 652000 653710 655820 29048 USD Million Jun/24
Loan Growth 19.2 19.8 20.8 4.1 percent Jun/24
Money Supply M0 46821 45110 46821 932 INR Billion Mar/24
Reverse Repo Rate 3.35 3.35 13.5 3.25 percent Jun/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Balance of Trade -23.8 -19.1 0.71 -31.46 USD Billion May/24
Current Account 5700 -8700 19083 -31857 USD Million Mar/24
Current Account to GDP -1.2 -2 2.3 -4.8 percent of GDP Dec/23
Exports 38.13 34.99 44.57 0.06 USD Billion May/24
Imports 61.91 54.09 65.03 0.12 USD Billion May/24
External Debt 663800 648200 663800 96392 USD Million Mar/24
Terms of Trade 147 131 147 61.9 points Dec/23
Capital Flows -88.7 -51.16 767 -822 USD Million Dec/23
Foreign Direct Investment 5957 5054 19150 58 USD Million Mar/24
Remittances 19635 16661 19635 5999 USD Million Dec/23
Tourist Arrivals 650748 859688 1225672 2820 Apr/24
Gold Reserves 804 804 804 358 Tonnes Mar/24
Crude Oil Production 621 598 813 463 BBL/D/1K Mar/24
Auto Exports 31440 29812 63693 4034 units Feb/24
Terrorism Index 6.32 7.18 8.12 6.32 Points Dec/23
Weapons Sales 34 7 153 0 SIPRI TIV Million Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Government Debt to GDP 86.54 85.21 89.45 47.94 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget -5.63 -6.44 -2.53 -9.17 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget Value -506200 -210140 -9406 -1821461 INR Tens of Million May/24
Government Spending 5123 3414 5123 736 INR Billion Mar/24
Government Revenues 213334 2788872 2788872 82 INR Tens of Million Apr/24
Fiscal Expenditure 423470 4442542 4442542 13655 INR Tens of Million Apr/24
Corruption Index 39 40 41 26.3 Points Dec/23
Corruption Rank 93 85 95 35 Dec/23
Credit Rating 56 Jul/24
Government Spending to GDP 14.92 15.37 19.42 11.81 percent of GDP Dec/23
Military Expenditure 83575 79977 83575 518 USD Million Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Corporate Tax Rate 34.94 25.17 38.95 25.17 percent Dec/22
Personal Income Tax Rate 42.74 42.74 42.74 30 percent Dec/22
Sales Tax Rate 18 18 18 12.36 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate 24 24 24 24 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate For Companies 12 12 12 12 percent Dec/23
Social Security Rate For Employees 12 12 12 12 percent Dec/23
Withholding Tax Rate 20 20 20 20 percent Dec/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Business Confidence 130 135 139 96.4 points Mar/24
Manufacturing PMI 58.3 57.5 59.1 27.4 points Jun/24
Services PMI 60.5 60.2 62.3 5.4 points Jun/24
Industrial Production 5 4.9 134 -57.3 percent Apr/24
Industrial Production Mom -7.63 8.7 67 -53.9 percent Apr/24
Manufacturing Production 3.9 5.2 196 -66.6 percent Apr/24
Changes in Inventories 544 462 731 43.7 INR Billion Mar/24
Car Production 151538 171437 270590 17329 Units Feb/24
Car Registrations 160306 168912 304900 2753 Units Feb/24
Composite Leading Indicator 100 100 104 69.34 points May/24
Capacity Utilization 74.7 74 83.2 47.3 percent Dec/23
Composite PMI 60.9 60.5 61.9 7.2 points Jun/24
Deposit Growth 12.6 12.7 29.3 2.7 percent Jun/24
Electricity Production 145046 136310 340579 27666 Gigawatt-hour May/24
Mining Production 6.69 1.3 36.5 -26.9 percent Apr/24
Steel Production 12200 12100 12700 0 Thousand Tonnes May/24
Total Vehicle Sales 300795 287746 341377 44163 Units May/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Consumer Confidence 97.5 98.5 117 48.5 points May/24
Consumer Spending 24972 25730 25730 4470 INR Billion Mar/24
Disposable Personal Income 296383300 273364819 296383300 91540 INR Million Dec/23
Bank Lending Rate 10.25 10.25 20 8 percent Mar/24
Gasoline Prices 1.14 1.14 1.41 0.48 USD/Liter Jun/24
Households Debt to GDP 37.2 37.6 44 31.7 percent of GDP Sep/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Housing Index 115 113 115 73 points Mar/24
Construction Output 6.3 6.2 62.6 -37.9 percent May/24
Residential Property Prices 3.81 3.55 26.26 1.1 Percent Dec/23

Last updated: July, 2024

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