BRICS Ministers Meetings
2017 Shanghai meeting: Documents
- Joint Statement of 7th Meeting of the BRICS Trade Ministers
- Terms of Reference of BRICS Model E-Port Network
- Outlines for BRICS Investment Facilitation
- BRICS E-Commerce Cooperation Initiative
- BRICS IPR Cooperation Guidelines
- Framework on Strengthening the Economic and Technical Cooperation for BRICS Countries
BRICS Trade Ministers meetings Index
- 2024: 26 July, Moscow, Russia
- 2023: August 7, online, South Africa
- 2022: June 9, online, China
- 2021: September 3, virtual (hosted by India)
- 2020: July 23, virtual (hosted by Russia)
- 2019: November 11, Brasilia, Brazil
- 2017: August 2, Shanghai, China
- 2016: October 13, New Delhi, India
- 2015: December 16, Nairobi, Kenya
- 2015: July 7, Moscow, Russia
- 2013: July 14, Fortaleza, Brazil
- 2013: March 26, Durban, South Africa
- 2012: April 19, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- 2012: March 28, New Delhi, India
- 2011: December 14, Geneva, Switzerland
- 2010: April 15, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Framework on Strengthening the Economic and Technical Cooperation for BRICS Countries
Annex VI to the 7th Meeting of the BRICS Trade Ministers Statement
August 31, 2017
The new trends in globalization and rapid technology revolution provide unprecedented opportunities for economic growth and employment. While adapting to the fast-changing economic environment, BRICS, which are composed of emerging market economics and developing countries, also face new challenges. As a necessary supplement to trade and investment cooperation, economic and technical cooperation can facilitate participation of BRICS in global trade and help them benefit from it, as well as ensure that free trade can promote sustainable growth and inclusive development, narrow income gaps and improve economic and social welfare
The 2016 Goa Declaration of the 8th BRICS Summit encouraged capacity building and information exchange amongst BRICS countries in information telecommunication, labor quality and agricultural technology, and encouraged economic and technical cooperation. BRICS are capable and determined to conduct capacity building cooperation based on the specific needs of members. Meanwhile, it is necessary to better integrate current capacity building resources of BRICS in order to meet the demands in a more systematic way. In this regard, the BRICS trade and investment agenda can also contribute to development issues.
Enhanced efforts on economic and technical cooperation among BRICS members will contribute to the following goals: 1. To promote global and regional value chain integration for BRICS and their MSMEs by systematic measures including the promotion of resource mobilization and provision of tailored capacity building programs; 2. To enhance the capacity of BRICS and their MSMEs to participate in the global market and to improve their access to information, finance and services, and to share good practices in national policies and standards with the view to create a more favorable trade and investment environment; 3. To help BRICS and their MSMEs benefit from global cooperation and competition, and to improve their negotiation capacity on trade and investment related rules.
The specific actions should be based on the current cooperation mechanism and the actual needs of BRICS members for capacity building in order to guarantee the most efficient utilization of resources.
BRICS agree to conduct capacity building activities within the framework of joint initiative and cooperation mechanism, based on the cooperation vision and specific needs. BRICS members will provide domestic and international training programs when appropriate and feasible. It is envisaged that these efforts could improve the abilities of BRICS on consultation planning, policy design and operation management in specific areas, as well as share the experiences and best practices of members’ economy development model and promote technical cooperation to foster economic development and inclusive growth.
Mobilize more resources to support the capacity building programs. Encourage members to take individual and collective actions, on a voluntary basis, to provide any forms of assistance and contributions. And encourage international organizations and other stakeholders to facilitate and contribute to this process.
Share the best practices and successful experience of international organizations and multilateral cooperation mechanisms. Organize seminars and undertake studies, discuss and display successful cases and experiences, develop and implement possible high-level activities.
Proposed actions or activities under this framework are to be reported to the CGETI.
Cooperation Areas
BRICS will conduct economic and technical cooperation and capacity building in areas such as trade, promotion and facilitation of investment, e-commerce, intellectual property rights and trade in services which are based on the current CGETI agenda and the actual demands of all members. Areas listed in Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership and relevant cooperation frameworks will also be considered as priorities. These areas serve as a reference for members engaged in specific activities, and are subject to adjustment according to future cooperation needs.
and Cooperation
The Information and Cooperation platform IN4U is a digital hub for BRICS members to collaborate, share information, and promote cooperative initiatives. Stay connected and engaged with the latest developments.
The cooperative
The Cooperative Framework of BRICS by IN4U platform is a dedicated digital space for fostering collaboration and cooperation among inter BRICS government entities and international organizations.