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Ethiopia national statistics.

Economic data

Economic Indicators Glossary

Our comprehensive glossary is designed to help you understand what each economic indicator means, how it’s calculated, and what it reveals about the economy. With our glossary, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the economic landscape and be able to make more informed decisions.

See the glossary


GDP Annual Growth Rate7.9%7.5%13.9%-11.1%percentDec/23 
Unemployment Rate18.9%18.7%26.4%16.8%percentDec/22 
Inflation Rate19.9%23.3%64.2%-4.1%percentJun/24 
Interest Rate7%7%11%3%percentJun/24 
Balance of Trade-2920-3290-957-3852USD MillionJun/23 
Current Account-802-690159-2536USD MillionJun/23 
Current Account to GDP-2.4%-4.3%1.5%-12.6%percent of GDPDec/23 
Government Debt to GDP38%46%53%24.7%percent of GDPDec/23 
Government Budget-2.7%-4.2%6.6%-8.9%percent of GDPDec/23 
Corporate Tax Rate30%30%30%30%percentDec/24 
Personal Income Tax Rate35%35%35%35%percentDec/24 
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
GDP Annual Growth Rate 7.9 7.5 13.9 -11.1 percent Dec/23
GDP 164 127 164 1.61 USD Billion Dec/23
GDP per Capita 890 857 890 216 USD Dec/23
GDP per Capita PPP 2803 2699 2803 679 USD Dec/23
GDP from Construction 468 447 468 114 ETB Billion Dec/21
GDP Constant Prices 2249 2114 2249 365 ETB Billion Dec/21
GDP from Agriculture 728 686 728 195 ETB Billion Dec/21
GDP from Manufacturing 649 619 649 41.6 ETB Billion Dec/21
GDP from Services 900 836 900 128 ETB Billion Dec/21
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Unemployment Rate 18.9 18.7 26.4 16.8 percent Dec/22
Population 123 120 123 21.74 million Dec/22
Minimum Wages 420 420 420 420 ETB/Month Jan/24
Youth Unemployment Rate 27.2 25.7 27.2 22 percent Dec/22
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Inflation Rate 19.9 23.3 64.2 -4.1 percent Jun/24
Food Inflation 22.7 25.5 43.9 2.81 percent Jun/24
Consumer Price Index (CPI) 452 450 453 64.2 points May/24
Inflation Rate MoM 0.9 0.5 12.79 -34.44 percent Jun/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period Interest Rate
Money Supply M0 706368 686196 706368 22920 ETB Million Jun/24 7%
Indicator Table
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Balance of Trade -2920 -3290 -957 -3852 USD Million Jun/23
Current Account -802 -690 159 -2536 USD Million Jun/23
Current Account to GDP -4.3 -3.2 1.5 -12.6 percent of GDP Dec/22
Exports 990 874 1161 266 USD Million Jun/23
Imports 3910 4163 5000 1356 USD Million Jun/23
Foreign Direct Investment 748 690 1907 152 USD Million Jun/23
Terrorism Index 1.27 3.04 5.74 1.27 Points Dec/23
Indicator Table
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Government Debt to GDP 31.4 34.1 41.8 24.7 percent of GDP Dec/21
Government Budget -4.2 -2.8 6.6 -8.9 percent of GDP Dec/22
Corruption Index 37 38 39 22 Points Dec/23
Corruption Rank 98 94 138 59 Dec/23
Credit Rating 15 None None None None
Military Expenditure 1226 1031 1226 15.1 USD Million Dec/23
Corporate Tax Rate 30 30 30 30 percent Dec/23
Personal Income Tax Rate 35 35 35 35 percent Dec/22
Sales Tax Rate 15 15 15 15 percent Dec/23

Last updated: July, 2024

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