Enabling Framework for the Innovation BRICS Network ("iBRICS Network")

The STIEP WG recommends that the BRICS STI Senior Officials Meeting submits this document to the Meeting of the Ministers of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa responsible for science, technology, and innovation.

Acknowledging that, at the 5th BRICS STI Ministerial Meeting (Hangzhou, 07/18/2017), the BRICS countries adopted the “BRICS Action Plan for Innovation Cooperation 2017 -2020” (Innovation Action Plan, hereinafter) as a tool to facilitate innovation-driven development for sustainable development of the world economy, which has as one of the deliverables the “creation of networks of science parks, technology business incubators and SMEs, where the innovation actually happens”;

Underscoring that this goal was later supported by the BRICS leaders at the Xiamen Summit (09/04/2017, §12) and at the Johannesburg Summit (07/26/2018, §56);

Appreciating the Brazilian proposal to lead the process for establishing a network that would encompass some of the main science parks, technology incubators and accelerators of the BRICS countries as approved at the 2nd Meeting of the BRICS Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Partnership (STIEP) Working Group, which took place in Kunming, China, from 9 to 14 September 2018;

Taking into consideration the work carried out during the 3rd Meeting of the STIEP Working Group, which took place in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, from 12 to 15 May 2019;

Set forth the following Enabling Framework for the Innovation BRICS Network (iBRICS Network):

I. MISSION STATEMENT. The iBRICS Network is to be a mechanism for direct dialogue among actors of innovation of the BRICS countries, which will promote mutual support, joint projects, and the exchange of best practices with a view to advancing BRICS systems of innovation.


A. Fostering dialogue and mutual knowledge. The network will seek to build and implement information sharing mechanisms, such as online platforms, that can efficiently and flexibly:

1. Provide information on each Member’s facilities, soft-landing programs, cross-incubation programs, business models, and products/services features to facilitate the identification of potential partners for research and development of new technology-based solutions;
2. Provide information on member’s plans and initiatives towards expanding activities to new markets inside or outside BRICS to foster the establishment of international partnerships;
3. Foster cooperation among Members on priority-setting, collaborative opportunities, projects, and best practices;
4. Offer, where appropriate, opportunities of engagement with investors, businesses, and industries inside and outside the iBRICS Network.

B. Capacity-building. The network will seek to make the necessary efforts to organize joint-training courses for managers and specialists of science parks, technology incubators, and accelerators of the BRICS countries, by means of:

1. Discussions on management issues to share the best business models and strategies among BRICS markets;
2. Modules of training and immersion in each BRICS country’s market;
3. The dissemination of insights on the most critical innovation needs;
4. The exchange of expertise on identification, promotion, and the use of available platforms for collaboration.

C. Cross-incubation. The network will seek to facilitate the access of residents of science parks, incubators, and accelerators (hereinafter defined as innovative companies) from one BRICS country to the others, in order to:

1. Foster international technology partnerships for the development of new products, services, and solutions, which match the needs of the BRICS countries industry and society;
2. Foster the incubation of startups among the BRICS countries of different business niches to diversify strategies for accelerating technology-based businesses;
3. Boost the exchange of experiences among Intellectual Property-intensive companies, helping the proliferation of patents, trademarks, industrial design registrations, plant variety rights, copyright, geographical indications, and industrial secrets among BRICS countries;
4. Encourage members to showcase their technology-based products, services, and solutions to investors and investment funds of the BRICS countries.

D. Soft-landing. The network will seek to facilitate the transnational establishment of high-tech companies in the member countries by:

1. Working in partnership with local governments to build fast-track bureaucratic processes to local establishment of BRICS startups;
2. Fostering partnerships with local companies to allow the access to national markets;
3. Encouraging partnerships with local investors to provide access to national credit funds;
4. Making efforts to open intra-BRICS lines of credits for the internationalization of BRICS startups

A. The day-to-day activities of the iBRICS Network will be governed by a Steering Committee comprised of representatives of science parks, technology incubators, accelerators, their associations, other innovation actors, and enabling bodies of the BRICS countries, which will act as national focal points to the network:

1. The Steering Committee consists of 10 members, two from each BRICS country;
2. The members will serve a three-year, renewable term;
3. The nomination of the members of the Steering Committee is made by the official representatives of each BRICS country in the STIEP Working Group;
4. The members of the Steering Committee will not receive any financial rewards;
5. The Steering Committee will report on and receive guidance from the STIEP Working Group to implement this enabling framework.


A. All science parks, technology incubators, accelerators, their associations, other innovation actors, and enabling bodies of the BRICS countries can become members of the iBRICS Network.

1. Members will get equal access to all tools and mechanisms of the network;
2. Membership must be applied to the Steering Committee.


A. This Framework does not create any legally binding obligations for any Member, or between or among the Members;

B. Activities under this Enabling Framework may continue for an indefinite period of time unless the Enabling Framework is discontinued by the determination of one of the members of the STIEP Working Group;

C. This Enabling Framework may be modified upon determination of the Members of the STIEP Working Group.

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