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Economic data 2024

Economic Indicators Glossary

Our comprehensive glossary is designed to help you understand what each economic indicator means, how it’s calculated, and what it reveals about the economy. With our glossary, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the economic landscape and be able to make more informed decisions.

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Markets Actual Q3/24 Q4/24 Q1/25 Q2/25
Currency 48.00 51.48 54.97 58.7 62.69
Stock Market (points) 28287.98 26601 25212 23895 22649
Overview Actual Q3/24 Q4/24 Q1/25 Q2/25
GDP Annual Growth Rate (%) 2.30 4 4.2 4.7 4.2
Unemployment Rate (%) 6.70 6.5 7.1 7.2 7.2
Inflation Rate (%) 27.50 30 27 23 20
Inflation Rate MoM (%) 1.60 1.5 1 0.8 0.8
Interest Rate (%) 27.25 25 22 20 18
Balance of Trade (USD Million) -2370.00 -3100 -3100 -1600 -1600
Current Account (USD Million) -7467.60 3900 400 -2400 -2400
Manufacturing PMI (points) 49.90 51 52.1 51.2 51.2
Current Account to GDP (% of GDP) -1.20 -1.5
Government Debt to GDP (% of GDP) 95.80 95
Government Budget (% of GDP) -7.10 -5.4
GDP Actual Q3/24 Q4/24 Q1/25 Q2/25
GDP Annual Growth Rate (%) 2.30 4 4.2 4.7 4.2
GDP Constant Prices (EGP Million) 2137.43 2235 2227 2238 2227
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (EGP Billion) 231.62 184 241 243 241
GDP from Mining (EGP Million) 216407.88 243366 225497 226579 225497
GDP from Construction (EGP Million) 345213.39 286334 359712 361438 359712
GDP from Agriculture (EGP Million) 453828.30 546858 472889 475158 472889
GDP from Manufacturing (EGP Million) 466360.97 469704 485948 488280 485948
GDP (USD Billion) 395.93
GDP per Capita (USD) 4177.61
GDP per Capita PPP (USD) 16960.57
Full Year GDP Growth (%) 3.50
Labour Actual Q3/24 Q4/24 Q1/25 Q2/25
Unemployment Rate (%) 6.70 6.5 7.1 7.2 7.2
Unemployed Persons (Thousand ) 2104.00 2100 2150 2100 2100
Employed Persons (Thousand) 29293.00 31200 31000 32000 32000
Minimum Wages (EGP/Month) 6000.00 6000
Population (Million) 105.90 107
Prices Actual Q3/24 Q4/24 Q1/25 Q2/25
Inflation Rate (%) 27.50 30 27 23 20
Inflation Rate MoM (%) 1.60 1.5 1 0.8 0.8
Consumer Price Index CPI (points) 221.20 238 241 267 265
Core Inflation Rate (%) 26.60 28 23 20 18.5
Core Consumer Prices (points) 218.20 230 230 263 259
Food Inflation (%) 31.90 31 25 18 18
Producer Prices Change (%) 50.20 37 30 18.5 18.5
CPI Housing Utilities (points) 138.80 167 164 168 167
CPI Transportation (points) 192.94 196 198 199 201
Producer Prices (points) 464.80 521 545 551 551
Money Actual Q3/24 Q4/24 Q1/25 Q2/25
Interest Rate (%) 27.25 25 22 20 18
Interbank Rate (%) 27.29 25.04 22.04 20.04 18.04
Money Supply M0 (EGP Million) 1827043.00 1550000 1520000 1480000 1480000
Money Supply M1 (EGP Million) 2570156.00 2500000 2600000 2457000 2457000
Money Supply M2 (EGP Million) 10352039.00 9300000 9400000 9475000 9475000
Foreign Exchange Reserves (USD Million) 46380.00 44000 42000 45000 45000
Loans to Private Sector (EGP Million) 2086821.00 2150000 2200000 2250000 2250000
Deposit Interest Rate (%) 20.10 17.85 14.85 12.85 10.85
Lending Rate (%) 28.25 26 23 21 19
Central Bank Balance Sheet (EGP Million) 5932611.00 5600000 5550000 4695000 4695000
Trade Actual Q3/24 Q4/24 Q1/25 Q2/25
Balance of Trade (USD Million) -2370.00 -3100 -3100 -1600 -1600
Current Account (USD Million) -7467.60 3900 400 -2400 -2400
Exports (USD Million) 3567.00 3900 3800 3900 3900
Imports (USD Million) 5937.00 7000 6900 5500 5500
External Debt (USD Million) 168034.20 175000 183000 188500 188500
Foreign Direct Investment (USD Million) 5036.10 5000 4750 5100 5100
Capital Flows (USD Million) 8363.50 8000 -1000 2000 2000
Remittances (USD Million) 4932.00 6500 6300 5000 5000
Current Account to GDP (% of GDP) -1.20 -1.5
Tourism Revenues (USD Billion) 13.60 20
Government Actual Q3/24 Q4/24 Q1/25 Q2/25
Government Debt to GDP (% of GDP) 95.80 95
Government Budget (% of GDP) -7.10 -5.4
Business Actual Q3/24 Q4/24 Q1/25 Q2/25
Manufacturing PMI (points) 49.90 51 52.1 51.2 51.2
Consumer Actual Q3/24 Q4/24 Q1/25 Q2/25
Consumer Spending (EGP Billion) 1899.50 1881 1979 1989 1979
Gasoline Prices (USD/Liter) 0.26 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
Bank Lending Rate (%) 24.40 22.15 19.15 17.15 15.15
Consumer Credit (EGP Million) 978123.00 927132 979638 1024095 1019204

Last updated: July, 2024

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