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Economic Indicators Glossary

Our comprehensive glossary is designed to help you understand what each economic indicator means, how it’s calculated, and what it reveals about the economy. With our glossary, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the economic landscape and be able to make more informed decisions.

See the glossary


Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Stock Market 2970 2939 6124 95.79 points Jul/24
GDP Growth Rate 1.6 1 11.5 -10.4 percent Mar/24
GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.3 5.2 18.7 -6.9 percent Mar/24
Unemployment Rate 5 5 6.2 3.9 percent May/24
Inflation Rate 0.2 0.3 28.4 -2.2 percent Jun/24
Inflation Rate MoM -0.2 -0.1 2.6 -1.8 percent Jun/24
Interest Rate 3.45 3.45 5.77 3.45 percent Jun/24
Cash Reserve Ratio 10 10 21.5 6 percent May/24
Balance of Trade 82.62 72.35 125 -61.99 USD Billion May/24
Current Account 392 562 1515 -523 USD Hundred Million Mar/24
Current Account to GDP 1.5 2.2 10.1 -3.7 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Debt to GDP 77.1 71.8 77.1 20.6 percent of GDP Dec/22
Government Budget -5.8 -7.4 0.58 -8.6 percent of GDP Dec/23
Business Confidence 49.5 49.5 59.2 35.7 points Jun/24
Manufacturing PMI 51.8 51.7 54.9 40.3 points Jun/24
Non Manufacturing PMI 50.5 51.1 62.2 29.6 percent Jun/24
Services PMI 51.2 54 58.4 26.5 points Jun/24
Consumer Confidence 88.2 89.4 127 85.5 points Apr/24
Retail Sales MoM 0.51 0.06 4.98 -10.77 percent May/24
Corporate Tax Rate 25 25 33 25 percent Dec/24
Personal Income Tax Rate 45 45 45 45 percent Dec/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
GDP Growth Rate 1.6 1 11.5 -10.4 percent Mar/24
GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.3 5.2 18.7 -6.9 percent Mar/24
GDP 17795 17882 17882 47.21 USD Billion Dec/23
Gross National Product 1251297 1197250 1251297 679 CNY Hundred Million Dec/23
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 521112 504835 521112 80.7 CNY Hundred Million Dec/23
GDP per Capita 12174 11560 12174 164 USD Dec/23
GDP per Capita PPP 22135 21019 22135 1646 USD Dec/23
Full Year GDP Growth 5.2 3 14.3 2.2 percent Dec/23
GDP Constant Prices 1191037 859053 1191037 53480 CNY Hundred Million Dec/23
GDP from Agriculture 89755 56330 89755 649 CNY Hundred Million Dec/23
GDP from Construction 85691 58706 85691 182 CNY Hundred Million Dec/23
GDP from Manufacturing 399103 291715 401644 2208 CNY Hundred Million Dec/23
GDP from Services 688238 507476 688238 2213 CNY Hundred Million Dec/23
GDP from Transport 57820 43124 57820 393 CNY Hundred Million Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Unemployment Rate 5 5 6.2 3.9 percent May/24
Employed Persons 74041 73351 76349 20729 Tens of Thousands Dec/23
Labour Costs 65.8 67.4 97.4 57.1 points May/24
Wages 120698 114029 120698 445 CNY/Year Dec/23
Minimum Wages 2590 2590 2590 690 CNY/Month Jan/24
Wages in Manufacturing 97528 92459 97528 597 CNY/Year Dec/22
Population 1410 1412 1413 552 Million Dec/23
Retirement Age Women 55 55 55 50 Years Dec/23
Retirement Age Men 60 60 60 60 Years Dec/23
Average Weekly Hours 48.7 48.5 49 46.2 Hours May/24
Youth Unemployment Rate 14.2 14.7 21.3 13.6 percent May/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Inflation Rate 0.2 0.3 28.4 -2.2 percent Jun/24
Inflation Rate MoM -0.2 -0.1 2.6 -1.8 percent Jun/24
Consumer Price Index CPI 103 103 104 100 points Jun/24
Core Consumer Prices 101 101 102 98.4 points Jun/24
Core Inflation Rate 0.6 0.6 2.5 -1.6 percent Jun/24
GDP Deflator 737 724 737 101 points Dec/22
Producer Prices 107 108 114 96.6 points Jun/24
Producer Prices Change -0.8 -1.4 26 -8.2 percent Jun/24
Export Prices 96.8 95.6 116 90.2 points May/24
Import Prices 103 102 123 79.6 points May/24
Food Inflation -2.1 -2 40.2 -5.9 percent Jun/24
Core Inflation Rate MoM -0.1 -0.2 0.6 -0.7 percent Jun/24
Producer Price Inflation MoM -0.2 0.2 2.5 -1.3 percent Jun/24
Rent Inflation -0.1 -0.1 14 -1.2 percent May/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Cash Reserve Ratio 10 10 21.5 6 percent May/24
Interbank Rate 1.9 1.91 6.46 1.2 percent Jul/24
Money Supply M0 117063 117311 117311 17.85 CNY Billion May/24
Money Supply M1 646842 660066 660066 74.51 CNY Billion May/24
Money Supply M2 301851 301194 304795 5840 CNY Billion May/24
Banks Balance Sheet 950 730 4920 -32.1 CNY Billion May/24
Central Bank Balance Sheet 429538 428425 456944 34444 CNY Hundred Million May/24
Foreign Exchange Reserves 3222358 3232039 3993213 2262 USD Million Jun/24
Loans to Private Sector 20700 -720 65364 -974 CNY Hundred Million May/24
Deposit Interest Rate 0.35 0.35 3.15 0.35 percent Jun/24
Loan Growth 9.3 9.6 34.44 9.3 percent May/24
1 Year MLF Rate 2.5 2.5 3.3 2.5 percent Jun/24
14-Day Reverse Repo Rate 1.95 1.95 6.05 1.95 percent May/24
Liquidity Injections Via MLF 125 100 1450 0 CNY Billion May/24
Loan Prime Rate 5Y 3.95 3.95 4.85 3.95 percent Jun/24
Fixed Asset Investment 4 4.2 53 -24.5 percent May/24
Liquidity Injections Via Reverse Repo 2 2 1200 2 CNY Billion Jul/24
Loans To Banks 2470781 2462212 2470781 413413 CNY Hundred Million May/24
Reverse Repo Rate 1.8 1.8 4.4 1.8 percent May/24
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Balance of Trade 82.62 72.35 125 -61.99 USD Billion May/24
Current Account 392 562 1515 -523 USD Hundred Million Mar/24
Current Account to GDP 1.5 2.2 10.1 -3.7 percent of GDP Dec/23
Exports 302 292 340 1.25 USD Billion May/24
Imports 220 220 253 1.39 USD Billion May/24
External Debt 24475 24528 27466 158 USD Hundred Million Dec/23
Terms of Trade 89.89 92.49 120 81.75 points Feb/24
Capital Flows -466 -568 760 -1379 USD Hundred Million Dec/23
Foreign Direct Investment 497 497 1891 18.32 USD Hundred Million May/24
Tourist Arrivals 1378 0 4911 0 Tens of Thousands Dec/23
Gold Reserves 2265 2235 2265 395 Tonnes Mar/24
Crude Oil Production 4325 4255 4408 1012 BBL/D/1K Mar/24
Auto Exports 490737 480365 490737 37328 May/24
Current Account Goods 1511 1611 1960 -24.81 USD Hundred Million Dec/23
Current Account Services -567 -662 46.69 -809 USD Hundred Million Dec/23
Direct Investment Liabilities 177 -118 1052 -118 USD Hundred Million Dec/23
Electric Car Exports 169298 140154 178794 1006 Apr/24
Exports YoY 7.6 1.5 155 -40.6 percent May/24
Foreign Direct Investment YoY -28.2 -27.9 110 -32.6 percent May/24
Freight Traffic 4901 4824 7660 190 Millions Ton May/24
Freight Traffic Civil Aviation 730 680 1300 6 Thousands Ton May/24
Freight Traffic Highways 3620 3597 6000 32 Millions Ton May/24
Freight Traffic Railway 437 408 806 91 Millions Ton May/24
Freight Traffic Waterways 844 819 1399 12 Millions Ton May/24
Imports YoY 1.8 8.4 85.5 -43.1 percent May/24
Terrorism Index 0.58 0 6.68 0 Points Dec/23
Weapons Sales 2432 2083 2600 3 SIPRI TIV Million Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Balance of Trade 82.62 72.35 125 -61.99 USD Billion May/24
Current Account 392 562 1515 -523 USD Hundred Million Mar/24
Current Account to GDP 1.5 2.2 10.1 -3.7 percent of GDP Dec/23
Exports 302 292 340 1.25 USD Billion May/24
Imports 220 220 253 1.39 USD Billion May/24
External Debt 24475 24528 27466 158 USD Hundred Million Dec/23
Terms of Trade 89.89 92.49 120 81.75 points Feb/24
Capital Flows -466 -568 760 -1379 USD Hundred Million Dec/23
Foreign Direct Investment 497 497 1891 18.32 USD Hundred Million May/24
Tourist Arrivals 1378 0 4911 0 Tens of Thousands Dec/23
Gold Reserves 2265 2235 2265 395 Tonnes Mar/24
Crude Oil Production 4325 4255 4408 1012 BBL/D/1K Mar/24
Auto Exports 490737 480365 490737 37328 May/24
Current Account Goods 1511 1611 1960 -24.81 USD Hundred Million Dec/23
Current Account Services -567 -662 46.69 -809 USD Hundred Million Dec/23
Direct Investment Liabilities 177 -118 1052 -118 USD Hundred Million Dec/23
Electric Car Exports 169298 140154 178794 1006 Apr/24
Exports YoY 7.6 1.5 155 -40.6 percent May/24
Foreign Direct Investment YoY -28.2 -27.9 110 -32.6 percent May/24
Freight Traffic 4901 4824 7660 190 Millions Ton May/24
Freight Traffic Civil Aviation 730 680 1300 6 Thousands Ton May/24
Freight Traffic Highways 3620 3597 6000 32 Millions Ton May/24
Freight Traffic Railway 437 408 806 91 Millions Ton May/24
Freight Traffic Waterways 844 819 1399 12 Millions Ton May/24
Imports YoY 1.8 8.4 85.5 -43.1 percent May/24
Terrorism Index 0.58 0 6.68 0 Points Dec/23
Weapons Sales 2432 2083 2600 3 SIPRI TIV Million Dec/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Business Confidence 49.5 49.5 59.2 35.7 points Jun/24
Manufacturing PMI 51.8 51.7 54.9 40.3 points Jun/24
Non Manufacturing PMI 50.5 51.1 62.2 29.6 percent Jun/24
Services PMI 51.2 54 58.4 26.5 points Jun/24
Industrial Production 5.6 6.7 35.1 -21.1 percent May/24
Industrial Production Mom 0.3 0.97 36.56 -22.1 percent May/24
Manufacturing Production 6 7.5 39.5 -15.7 percent May/24
New Orders 49.6 51.1 65.1 29.3 points May/24
Changes in Inventories 9327 14959 15873 3 CNY Hundred Million Dec/23
Car Production 2051000 2048000 2713000 195000 Units May/24
Car Registrations 2075000 2001000 2792000 213534 Units May/24
Total Vehicle Sales 2552000 2420000 3156000 88416 Units Jun/24
Leading Economic Index 150 151 169 10.4 points May/24
Business Conditions Index 50.6 51.9 70.9 37.3 points May/24
Composite Leading Indicator 101 101 105 83.49 points May/24
Electric Car Registrations 883000 294000 883000 4978 Units Mar/24
NBS General PMI 50.5 51 57 28.9 points Jun/24
Capacity Utilization 73.6 75.9 78.4 67.3 percent Mar/24
Cement Production 17953 17395 24869 782 Ten Thousands of Tonnes May/24
Composite PMI 52.8 54.1 57.5 27.5 points Jun/24
Corporate Profits 2754380 2094690 8709210 1617 CNY Million May/24
Electricity Production 717850 690080 846170 41760 Gigawatt-hour May/24
Mining Production 3.6 2 17.5 -6.5 percent May/24
Steel Production 92900 85900 99500 4918 Thousand Tonnes May/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Consumer Confidence 88.2 89.4 127 85.5 points Apr/24
Retail Sales MoM 0.51 0.06 4.98 -10.77 percent May/24
Retail Sales YoY 3.7 2.3 37.4 -20.5 percent May/24
Consumer Spending 493247 450468 493247 453 CNY Hundred Million Dec/23
Disposable Personal Income 51821 49283 51821 343 CNY Dec/23
Bank Lending Rate 4.35 4.35 10.98 4.35 percent Jul/24
Consumer Credit 559606 564800 564800 59106 CNY Hundred Million Feb/24
Gasoline Prices 0.92 0.93 1.37 0.27 USD/Liter Jun/24
Households Debt to GDP 62.4 62.2 62.4 10.8 percent of GDP Sep/23
Indicator Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Period
Housing Index -3.9 -3.1 12.6 -6.1 Percent May/24
House Price Index MoM -0.7 -0.6 2.1 -1.1 percent May/24
Housing Starts 30090 23510 227154 82.16 Tens of Thousands Square Metre May/24
New Home Sales YoY 3.4 -44.9 31.6 -60 percent May/24
Property Investment -9.8 -9.5 50.2 -16.3 percent Apr/24
New Home Sales 31163 24453 162730 78.19 CNY Hundred Million May/24
Residential Property Prices -5.17 -3.7 10.62 -5.91 Percent Mar/24

Last updated: July, 2024

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