BRICS Summits
2016 Goa Summit: Documents
BRICS summits Index
- Kazan, Russia, October 23, 2024
- Johannesburg, Gauteng, August 22-24, 2023
- Beijing, June 23, 2022 (virtual)
- New Delhi, India, September 9, 2021 (virtual)
- Moscow, Russia, November 17, 2020 (virtual)
- Brasilia, Brazil, November 13-14, 2019
- Johannesburg, South Africa, July 25-27, 2018
- Xiamen, China, September 3-5, 2017
- Goa, India: October 15-16, 2016
- Ufa, Russia: July 8-9, 2015
- Fortaleza, Brazil: July 14-16, 2014
- Durban, South Africa: March 26-27, 2013
- New Delhi, India: March 29, 2012
- Sanya, China: April 14, 2011
- Brasilia, Brazil: April 15, 2010
- Yekaterinburg, Russia, June 16, 2009
2016 Goa Summit: October 15-16, India
Goa Action Plan
We took note of the following events held under India’s BRICS Chairpersonship before the Goa Summit.
Meetings of Parliamentarians & Ministers
- BRICS Women Parliamentarians’ Forum (20-21 August 2016, Jaipur)
- Meeting of National Security Advisers (15-16 September 2016, New Delhi)
- Meeting of BRICS Agriculture Ministers (23 September 2016, New Delhi)
- Meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Disaster Management (22-23 August 2016, Udaipur)
- Meeting of BRICS Education Ministers (30 September 2016, New Delhi)
- Meeting of BRICS Environment Ministers (16 September 2016, Goa)
- Meetings of BRICS Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (14 April 2016, Washington; 14 October 2016, Goa)
- Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations on the margins of UNGA (20 September 2016, New York)
- Luncheon Meeting of BRICS Health Ministers and Heads of Delegation on the margins of 69th World Health Assembly (24 May 2016, Geneva)
- Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Labour & Employment (9 June 2016 on the margins of ILO meeting, Geneva; 27-28 September 2016, Agra)
- 4th BRICS Science, Technology & Innovation Ministerial Meeting (8 October 2016, Jaipur)
- Meeting of BRICS Trade Ministers (13 October 2016, New Delhi)
Meetings of Working Groups/Senior Officials/Technical Groups/Experts Group
- Meeting of BRICS Working Group on Agriculture (22 September 2016, New Delhi)
- Meetings of Experts for BRICS Agriculture Research Platform (27-28 June 2016, New Delhi; 21 September 2016, New Delhi)
- Meeting of BRICS Senior Officials for Anti-Corruption (16 March 2016 on the margins of OECD Anti-Bribery Convention in Paris; 8 June 2016 on the margins of 2nd G20 ACWG meeting in London)
- Anti-Drug Working Group Meeting (8 July 2016, New Delhi)
- Meeting of BRICS Competition Authorities on the margins of International Legal Forum (19 May 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Meeting of BRICS Contact Group on Economic and Trade Issues (CGETI) (12 April 2016, New Delhi; 29 July 2016, Agra; 12 October 2016, New Delhi)
- Meeting of the Working Group on Counter Terrorism (14 September 2016, New Delhi)
- Meeting of BRICS Customs Agencies on the margins of Conference of the World Customs Organization (11-16 July 2016, Brussels)
- Meeting of BRICS Heads of Customs Administrations (15-16 October 2016, Goa)
- Meeting of BRICS Development Partnership Administrations (DPAs) and Forum for Indian Development Cooperation (FIDC) (6-7 August 2016, New Delhi)
- Meeting of BRICS Senior Officials on Education (29 September 2016, New Delhi)
- 1st Meeting of BRICS Universities League Members (2 April 2016, Beijing)
- Meeting of Working Group on Energy Saving and Improvement of Energy Efficiency (4-5 July 2016, Visakhapatnam)
- Employment Working Group Meeting (27-28 July 2016, Hyderabad).
- Meeting of BRICS Working Group on Environment (15 September 2016, Goa)
- BRICS Dialogue on Foreign Policy (25-26 July 2016, Patna).
- Meeting of Heads of Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) (13 October 2016, New Delhi)
- 6th Informal meeting of BRICS Finance Officials on the margins of FATF (16 February 2016, Paris)
- 7th Informal meeting of BRICS Finance Officials on the margins of FATF (18-24 June 2016, Bussan, RoK)
- Technical Group Meeting of BRICS Development Banks (10-11 March 2016, Udaipur)
- Working Group Meeting of BRICS Development Banks (28-29 July 2016, Mumbai)
- Working Group Meeting of BRICS Development Banks (on Local Currency Financing) (14 October 2016, Goa)
- Working Group Meeting of BRICS Development Banks (on Innovation Financing) (14 October 2016, Goa)
- Annual Meeting of BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism (15 October 2016, Goa)
- Meeting of Heads of BRICS Development Banks with NDB (15-16 October 2016, Goa)
- 1st Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of BRICS NDB (20 July 2016, Shanghai)
- BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement Working Group Meeting (25 February 2016, Shanghai)
- 2nd BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement Standing Committee Meeting (26 February 2016, Shanghai)
- 2nd BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement Governing Council Meeting (6 October 2016, Washington)
- BRICS Working Group on Geospatial Technology and Application (2 March 2016, Noida)
- 6th Meeting of Heads of Intellectual Property Offices (HIPO) (20-22 June 2016, Moscow)
- Meeting of BRICS Network University International Governing Board (IGB) (27 September 2016, Mumbai)
- BRICS Railway Experts’ Meeting (29 April 2016, Lucknow; 14-15 July 2016, Secunderabad)
- 6th Meeting of BRICS Senior Officials on Science, Technology & Innovation (7 October 2016, Jaipur)
- Meeting of BRICS Science, Technology & Innovation Funding Working Group (6 October 2016, Jaipur)
- 2nd Meeting of the BRICS Astronomy Working Group (8 September 2016, Ekaterinburg)
- 1st Photonics Conference of BRICS Countries (30-31 May 2016, Moscow)
- 2nd Meeting of BRICS Officials within specialized session “Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Disasters” (26 August 2016, Saint-Petersburg)
- BRICS Sherpas and Sous-Sherpas meeting (29-30 April 2016, Jaipur; 5-6 August 2016, Bhopal; 2-3 September 2016, Hangzhou; 8-10 October 2016, New Delhi; 12-13 October 2016, Goa)
- Technical Level Meeting of BRICS National Statistical Agencies (24-26 February 2016, New Delhi)
- Meeting of Heads of BRICS Supreme Audit Institutions (24 June 2016, Beijing)
Seminars & Workshops
- BRICS Academic Forum (19-22 September 2016, Goa)
- BRICS Think Tank Council meeting (23 September 2016, New Delhi)
- BRICS Civil Forum (3-4 October 2016, New Delhi)
- BRICS Digital Conclave (28-29 April 2016, New Delhi)
- Workshop on International Arbitration Mechanism (27 August 2016, New Delhi)
- Seminar on Challenges in Developing the Bond Market in BRICS (27 September 2016, Mumbai)
- BRICS Economic Forum (13-14 October 2016, Goa)
- BRICS Financial Forum (15 October 2016, Goa)
- Workshop on Financial Inclusion for BRICS Nations (19 September 2016, Mumbai)
- Seminar on Long Term Infrastructure Financing and PPP best practices (22 September 2016, New Delhi)
- Workshop on Investment Flows (13 October 2016, Mumbai)
- BRICS Handicraft Artisans Exchange Programme (6-15 September 2016, Jaipur)
- Workshop on Access to Medicines and Trade Agreements (23 May 2016, Geneva)
- Workshop on Health Surveillance System (1-2 August 2016, Bengaluru)
- 1st General Conference on BRICS Network University (7-8 April 2016, Ekaterinburg, Russia)
- Workshop on Skill Development (25-29 July 2016, Mumbai)
- Workshop on Export Credit (14 October 2016, Goa)
- 2nd Round Table on MSMEs and Seminar on Services (28 July 2016, Agra)
- BRICS Seminars on NTMs and Services (11 April 2016, New Delhi)
- BRICS Water Forum (29-30 September 2016, Moscow)
- BRICS Wellness Forum (10-11 September 2016, Bengaluru)
- 3rd Meeting of the BRICS Urbanization Forum (14-16 September 2016, Visakhapatnam)
- BRICS Friendship Cities Conclave (14-16 April 2016, Mumbai)
- BRICS Smart Cities Workshop (17-19 August 2016, Jaipur)
BRICS Business Council & BRICS Business Forum
- BRICS Business Council (14 October 2016, New Delhi; 15 October 2016, Goa)
- BRICS Business Council interaction with BRICS Leaders (16 October 2016, Goa)
- BRICS Business Forum (13 October 2016, New Delhi)
People-to-People & Business Exchanges
- BRICS Trade Fair (12-14 October 2016, New Delhi)
- BRICS Film Festival (2-6 September 2016, New Delhi)
- BRICS Convention of Tourism (1-2 September 2016, Khajuraho)
- BRICSU-17 Football Tournament (5-15 October 2016, Delhi-Goa)
- BRICS Young Diplomats’ Forum (3-6 September 2016, Kolkata)
- BRICS Young Scientists’ Conclave (26-30 Sept 2016, Bengaluru)
- BRICS Youth Summit (1-3 July 2016, Guwahati)
We further took note of the upcoming events under India’s BRICS Chairpersonship.
- BRICS Parliamentary Forum (on the margins of IPU)
- Meeting of BRICS Energy Ministers
- 6th Meeting of the BRICS Health Ministers
- Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Telecommunications
- Meeting of BRICS Senior Officials for Anti-Corruption
- Meeting of Senior Officials of Health
- RICS Consultations of Middle East Envoys
- BRICS Sherpas and Sous-Sherpas meetings
- Meeting of the BRICS Heads of National Statistical Agencies
- Meeting of BRICS Heads of Tax Authorities
- Meeting of BRICS Experts on Tax Matters
- Meetings of BRICS Working Group on ICT Cooperation
- 2nd Technical Workshop among BRICS Exports Credit Agencies
- Exhibition and B2B Meetings on ICT
- BRICS Media Forum
- Workshop on Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR)
- Workshop on Drugs and Medical Devices
- Workshop on Non Communicable Diseases
- 4th BRICS Seminar on Population matters
- Workshop on TB/AIDS
- Foundation Conference of BRICS Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology
- Conference on Foresight and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy of BRICS countries
- BRICS Forum on State Owned Enterprises Reforms and Governance
- Workshop on Sustainable Water Development, Conservation and Efficiency
- BRICS Local Bodies’ Conference (Focus: Budgeting)
Key Initiatives During India’s BRICS Chairmanship
- BRICS Agriculture Research Platform
- BRICS Railway Research Network
- BRICS Sports Council
- RICS Rating Agency
- BRICS Institute for Economic Research and Analysis
- MoU on Environmental Cooperation
- Regulations on BRICS Customs Cooperation Committee
- MoU on Cooperation between Diplomatic Academies of BRICS Countries
- MoU on Cooperation among BRICS Development Banks and the NDB
- BRICS Women Parliamentarians’ Forum
- BRICS Under-17 Football Tournament
- BRICS Trade Fair
- BRICS Film Festival
- BRICS Convention on Tourism
- BRICS Digital Conclave
- BRICS Wellness Forum
- BRICS Friendship Cities Conclave
- BRICS Smart Cities Workshop
- 3rd BRICS Urbanisation Forum
- BRICS Local Bodies Conference
- BRICS Handicraft Artisans’ Exchange Programme
- BRICS Young Scientist Conclave
- BRICS Innovative Idea Prize for Young Scientists
- BRICS Economic Research Award
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