BRICS Education Ministers Moscow Declaration at 3rd Meeting

   We, the Ministers of Education and designated representatives of the BRICS countries, having met in Moscow, the Russian Federation on November 18, 2015 to discuss and coordinate areas of mutual interest and develop the framework for future cooperation in education.

Guided by the Brasilia Declaration encouraging BRICS members to promote strengthening of internationalization of higher education and academic mobility, vocational and technical education as well as to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Supporting UNESCO Education – 2030 Framework for Action on Sustainable Development Goals and enhancing opportunities for collaboration between BRICS and UNESCO.

Committed to building further collaboration in line with the Ufa Declaration and the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership.

Reaffirming that the promotion of sustainable development and inclusive growth is the pillar of BRICS educational cooperation, in line with the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

Hereby declare as follows:

In the Field of the Higher Education

  1. Move towards enhanced engagement in education and research in the areas which are of common interest to BRICS members states.
  2. Establish the network of the research-and -education centers of excellence prioritizing the main areas of collaboration in the leading universities of the BRICS countries.
  3. Support joint research projects, encourage more collaborative programmes at post-graduate, doctorate and post-doctorate levels and promote joint -publishing of scientific results by BRICS universities.
  4. Work towards the development of common principles of accreditation and quality assurance.
  5. Promote close collaboration among the BRICS member States for the development of common principles for recognition of diplomas and degrees.
  6. Encourage and support the establishment of the BRICS Universities League.
  7. Constitute the BRICS Network University according to the Memorandum of Understanding on Establishment of the BRICS Network University. 
  8. Emphasize the important role of TVET for attracting young people to labour-market.
  9. Collaborate to improve the quality of teaching, learning and teacher’s education.
  10. Develop national reports, share concepts, methods and instruments of analysis matching workforce demand and supply for BRICS member countries.
  11. Strengthen initiatives for skills development in BRICS member States through implementation of international best practices, including WorldSkills.
  12. Collaborate on specific projects initiated by the Skills Development Working Group of the BRICS Business Council.
  13. Encourage the comparative studies on the quality of education, including general education, within the BRICS countries to enable benchmarking. 
  14. Promote lifelong learning and encourage self-education through both formal and informal modes, and strive towards excellence.
  15. provide opportunities for learning of foreign languages and assuring the ability for fluent spoken, written, business and professional communication.
  16. Appoint official representatives of all BRICS member States to coordinate the programmes and projects of BRICS countries on education.
  17. Promote collaborative investment in education for economic growth and development of human resources.
  18. Share statistical data and develop methodologies for common education indicators.
  19. Work towards harmonization of the statistics in the sphere of education in the BRICS countries taking into account international statistical standards, including ISCED 2011.
  20. Ensure information exchanges on national assessment systems, analysis and comparative research, on the instruments of measurement and monitoring of the quality of education.
  21. Brazil, India and South Africa express their appreciation to Russia for hosting the 3rd BRICS Ministerial Meeting on Education in 2015.
  22. Russia, Brazil, China and South Africa convey their appreciation to India for its offer to host 4th BRICS Ministerial Meeting on Education in 2016 and extend their full support to that end.


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