We bind people, cultures and countries together

Living Our Values

Ethical Compass

Freedom is a fundamental necessity for a thriving society, akin to the air we breathe without conscious thought until its absence is felt. It is not merely an optional condition, but an essential one for the creation of wealth, the advancement of civilization through professionalism, and the promotion of peaceful and prosperous social cooperation.


As an independent project, we have no political affiliations or associations. Our professional Brics information platform, in4u™, is designed with the BRICS countries in mind, focusing on the freedom of professional growth and education. We are committed to earning the trust of our users by valuing their individual contributions and providing a platform for uncensored expression of their visions, ideas, and passions.


In an era where authenticity is often overshadowed by falsehoods and manipulation, we are dedicated to fostering genuine connections and promoting transparency within our professional community. Our goal is to create a better world through the collective efforts of our members, who embody the principles of creativity and excellence.


We firmly believe in the principles of freedom and trust, which are essential for building meaningful relationships with individuals and organizations worldwide. However, we also recognize that with freedom comes responsibility. As such, we do not condone any form of hate, violence, trolling, corruption, or retaliation. Instead, we champion creativity, innovation, and all that elevates humanity.


Building trust begins with the application of our culture and values, which are the cornerstones of our relationships both within and beyond in4u. Our values are the guiding principles that ensure we conduct business with integrity, while our culture defines who we are and how we conduct ourselves.


Our Standards of Business Conduct, Anti-Corruption policy, Antitrust & Competition policy, and Human Rights policy are testaments to our commitment to using our culture and values to build and maintain trust with our customers, governments, investors, partners, representatives, and colleagues. Together, we can achieve more by upholding these standards.

We are committed to the transformative power of diverse perspectives.


Our vision is to empower every individual and organization in the BRICS countries to achieve their full potential. We believe that everyone, regardless of their position, role, or function, has a vital role to play in creating inclusive environments where people from diverse backgrounds can thrive and do their best work.


We are dedicated to fostering communities that inspire progress and innovation. Our goal is to create a workplace where individuals with different backgrounds and experiences can excel both professionally and personally.


We are intentional in our efforts to build diverse communities. We actively seek out and connect with individuals from underrepresented groups, and we prioritize doing business with communities and women-owned companies. We also invest in developing the next generation of tech industry leaders and actively recruit candidates from diverse backgrounds to help us achieve our goals.


Inclusive thinking is at the heart of our innovation. We design with the experiences and needs of all individuals in mind, and we strive to include as many perspectives as possible in our decision-making processes. Our aim is to bring out the best in each other and in everyone who uses our products and services.


We recognize that social and economic inequality are complex issues that cannot be addressed by any one organization or project alone. We are committed to working collaboratively to create a more equitable and inclusive society.


At IN4U, we are constantly learning and growing. We draw on insights from sociology, psychology, behavioral science, and neuroscience to understand the root causes of exclusion and to develop effective strategies for creating more inclusive environments. We are eager to share our knowledge and resources with others to help create a world where everyone feels valued, heard, and included.

This commitment to privacy is at the core of everything we do at in4u. We understand the importance of maintaining the trust of our users and strive to uphold the highest standards of data protection. Unlike many other companies in the tech industry, we do not believe in exploiting users’ personal information for financial gain.


Our stance on data privacy is not just a promise, but a fundamental principle that guides our operations. We have implemented stringent measures to ensure that our users’ personal information remains secure and confidential. From encrypting data to regularly updating our security protocols, we are constantly working to safeguard the privacy of our users. By putting our users first and respecting their right to privacy, we have built a loyal customer base who appreciate our commitment to ethical business practices.


We firmly believe that individuals should have control over their own data and should not have to worry about their online activities being monitored or sold to third parties. At in4u, our focus is on providing value to our users through our services, rather than exploiting their personal information for profit. We are proud to offer a safe and secure platform where individuals can connect, collaborate, and communicate without compromising their privacy. Join us in our mission to prioritize the privacy of our users and create a more ethical and transparent online community. 


For more information on our commitment to privacy, please refer to our Business Conduct Policy.

Social responsibility for any person includes, on the one hand, responsibility to society, on the other, to loved ones. The concept of charity in a conscious aspect has an extremely wide range of actions. This is a moral act, and moral qualities of a person, and moral relations between people, as well as socially just activity of classes and social groups, and a measure of a more just state of society as a whole.


In the society in recent years, more and more importance is attached to the spiritual needs of a person. Gradually, there is a realization that the economic model of society should not be based on pure materialism and utilitarianism, since in this case it tends to self-destruction. Therefore, today the urgent task is to find a compromise between the material and spiritual aspirations of a person both as an individual and as a collective being.


in4u is a company that also bears social responsibility, providing an opportunity for society to realize the value of social significance. We envision a world where all people – even in the most remote corners of the globe – have the power to create opportunities for themselves and others. We believe that we can provide a safe, affordable way to resourses for those who need it, we help people create a better life for themselves and their families.

brics | ICP

and Cooperation

The Information and Cooperation platform IN4U is a digital hub for BRICS members to collaborate, share information, and promote cooperative initiatives. Stay connected and engaged with the latest developments.


The cooperative

The Cooperative Framework of BRICS by IN4U platform is a dedicated digital space for fostering collaboration and cooperation among inter BRICS government entities and international organizations.

BRICS Collaboration Made Easy: Access info & cooperation tools on IN4U.

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